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Books at TMC2018 Lisbon

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Authored Books | Edited Books | Textbooks | Proceedings and Reports | PhD Dissertation

Book chapters | Journal Articles | In Other Periodicals | Editorials | Book Reviews

Conference papers | Invited / keynote speeches

Newspaper articles | Media appearances

Authored Books

  1. Sirkeci, I., Bilecen, T., Costu, Y., Dedeoglu, S., Kesici, M.R., Seker, B.D., Tilbe, F., Unutulmaz, K.O. (2016). Little Turkey in Great Britain. London, UK: Transnational Press London. (pp.185, ISBN: 978-1-910781-19-7)
  2. Sirkeci, I. (2013). Transnational Marketing and Transnational Consumers, Springer Business Briefs, Heidelberg, London: Springer. (pp.76, ISBN: 978-3-642-36774-8).
  3. Cohen, J.H. and Sirkeci, I. (2011). Cultures of Migration, the Global Nature of Contemporary Mobility, Austin, USA: University of Texas Press. (pp.202, ISBN: 978-0-292-72685-7). [Selected as Outstanding Academic Title by Choice in the US (see]
  4. Sirkeci, I. (2006). The Environment of Insecurity in Turkey and the Emigration of Turkish Kurds to Germany, New York: Edwin Mellen Press. (pp. 332, ISBN:  0-7734-5739-9).

Edited Books

  1. Cohen, J.H and Sirkeci, I. (eds.) (2021). Handbook of Cultures of Migration, Oxford: Edward Elgar. (, ISBN:) (forthcoming).
  2. Sirkeci, I. and Cohen, J.H. (eds.) (2020). COVID-19 and Migration: Understanding Pandemic and Human Mobility, London: Transnational Press London. (, ISBN:) (forthcoming).
  3. Kulu-Glasgow, I., Smit, M. and Sirkeci, I. (eds.) (2019). Unaccompanied Children: From Migration to Integration, London: Transnational Press London. (pp.169, ISBN: 978-1-912997-14-5)
  4. Sirkeci, I., Iosifidis, T., De Tona, C., Frisina, A. (eds.) (2019). Reader in Qualitative Methods in Migration Research. London, UK: TPLondon. (pp.182, ISBN: 978-1-912997-10-7)
  5. Sirkeci, I., Sozen, U.S., Castro, E.L.F. (eds.) (2018). Migration Policy in Crisis. London, UK: TPLondon. (pp.254, ISBN: 978-1-910781-85-2)
  6. Eroglu Utku, D., Unutulmaz, K.O. and Sirkeci, I. (eds.) (2017). Turkey’s Syrians: Today and Tomorrow. London, UK: Transnational Press London. (pp.254, ISBN: 978-1-910781-74-6)
  7. Sirkeci, I. and Pusch, B. (eds.) (2016). Turkish Migration Policy. London, UK: Transnational Press London. (pp.232, ISBN: 978-1-910781-13-5)
  8. Sirkeci, I., Cohen, J. H., and Yazgan, P. (eds.) (2016). Conflict, Insecurity and Mobility. London, UK: Transnational Press London. (pp.194, ISBN: 978-1-910781-09-8)
  9. Sirkeci, I., Seker, B. D., and Caglar, A. (eds.) (2015). Turkish Migration, Identity and Integration. London, UK: Transnational Press London. (pp.188, ISBN: 978-1-910781-12-8)
  10. Milewski, N., Sirkeci, I., M. Yucesahin, and Rolls, A. (eds.) (2015). Family and Human Capital in Turkish Migration. London, UK: Transnational Press London. (pp.166, ISBN: 978-1-910781-03-6)
  11. Seker, B. D., Sirkeci, I., and Yucesahin, M. (eds.) (2015). Göç ve Uyum. London, UK: Transnational Press London (in Turkish). (pp.389, ISBN: 978-1-910781-06-7)
  12. Sirkeci, I., Elcin, D., and Seker, G. (eds.) (2015). Politics and Law in Turkish Migration. London, UK: Transnational Press London. (pp.203, ISBN: 978-1-910781-00-5).
  13. Sirkeci, I., Cohen, J., and Ratha, D. (eds.) (2012). Migration and Remittances during the Global Financial Crisis and Beyond. Washington, DC. USA: The World Bank. (pp.480, ISBN: 978-0-8213-8826-6).
  14. Nakanishi, H., Sirkeci, I.  and Cabbarlı, H. (eds.) (2008). Sorunlu Bölgelerde Göç – Migration in Conflict Areas, Global Strategy Institute, Ankara, Turkey. (pp. 128. ISBN: 978-975-8975-08-02). (Bilingual: English and Turkish).
  15. İçduygu, A., Sirkeci, I.  and Aydingün, I. (eds.) (1998). Türkiye’de İçgöç [Internal Migration in Turkey], Tarih Vakfı Yayınları, Istanbul, Turkey. (pp. 244, ISBN:  975-7306-31-2). (in Turkish).

Text Books compiled

  1. Sirkeci, I.  and Cawley, R. (compiled by) (2012). International Marketing, Pearson, Harlow, UK. (pp. 480, ISBN: 9781847763235, 3rd Edition). (text book)
  2. Sirkeci, I.  and Cawley, R. (compiled by) (2011). International Marketing, Pearson, Harlow, UK. (pp. 460, ISBN: 9781847763235, 2nd Edition). (text book)
  3. Sirkeci, I.  (compiled by) (2009). International Marketing, Pearson, Harlow, UK. (pp. 900, ISBN: 9781847763235). (text book)

PhD Dissertation

Sirkeci, I. (2003). Migration, Ethnicity and Conflict, The Environment of Insecurity and Turkish Kurdish International Migration. PhD Dissertation, Sheffield, UK: University of Sheffield.

Reports and Proceedings

  1. Tilbe, F., Iskender, E., Sirkeci, I. (eds) (2017). The Migration Conference 2017 Proceedings. London: Transnational Press London. (pp. 612, ISBN 978-1-910781-54-8).
  2. Eroglu, D., Cohen, J.H., Sirkeci, I. (eds.) (2016). Turkish Migration 2016 Selected Papers. London: Transnational Press London. (pp. 322, ISBN 978-1-910781-28-9).
  3. Tilbe, F., Sirkeci, I., Condick-Brough, A. (2016). Turkish Migration Conference 2016 Programme and Abstracts Book. London: Transnational Press London.
  4. Seker, G., Tilbe, A., Okmen, M., Yazgan-Hepgul, P., Eroglu, D., Sirkeci, I. (eds.) (2015). Turkish Migration Conference 2015, Selected Proceedings, London, UK: Transnational Press London. (pp. 548, ISBN 978-1-910781-01-2).
  5. Sirkeci, I.  (2011). Consumer Lifestyles in Turkey, report published by Euromonitor International, Available at: (pp.81).
  6. Sirkeci, I.  (2011). Turkmen in Iraq and Their Flight: A Demographic Question, Report No.21, January 2011, ORSAM, Ankara, Turkey (pp.64).
  7. Sirkeci, I. and Cohen, J. (2010). The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on Remittances in South Asia, commissioned by The World Bank, Washington, DC. USA (pp.84) (unpublished report).
  8. Sirkeci, I.  (2009). Improving the Immigration and Asylum Statistics in Turkey – Türkiye’de Uluslararası Göç ve Sıgınma İstatistiklerinin Geliştirilmesi, Nov. 2009, Turkish Statistical Institute, Ankara, Turkey. (pp.90). (Bilingual English-Turkish, Research Report, internal publication).
  9. Singh, A.K., Aktan, C.C., Sirkeci, I., and Dalbay, O. (eds.) (2009). Industrial Organization: Theory and Empirical Applications, Selected Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Social Sciences, Izmir, Turkey: Social Sciences Research Society. (pp. 319, ISBN 978-605-5741-14-3).
  10. Sirkeci, I.  (2005). Turkmen in Iraq and International Migration of Turkmen – Irak’tan Türkmen Göçleri ve Göç Eğilimleri, Global Strategy Institute, Ankara, Turkey, (pp.88, ISBN 975-897502-1). (Bilingual: English and Turkish; Research Report).

Chapters in books and proceedings

  1. Kahraman, S. Ö., Gültay, B., Sirkeci, I., & Çalışkan, V. (2019). Conflict Responsive Patterns of Labour Migration from Hatay, Turkey to the MENA Countries. In: Khalil, R.M.R. and Malit, F. (eds.), Recent Migrations and Refugees in the MENA Region. London: Transnational Press London, pp.113-135.
  2. Kulu-Glasgow, I., Smit, M. and Sirkeci, I. (2019). Introduction. In: Kulu-Glasgow, I., Smit, M. and Sirkeci, I. (eds.). Unaccompanied Children: From Migration to Integration, London: Transnational Press London, pp. 1-8.
  3. Yaylacı, F. G., & Sirkeci, İ. (2019). Sunuş: Göç Ülkesi Türkiye’de Sosyal Hizmet. In: Yaylacı, F. G., (ed.) Kuramsal ve Uygulama Boyutları ile Türkiye’de Sığınmacı, Mülteci ve Göçmenlerle Sosyal Hizmetler, London: Transnational Press London, pp. 3-13.
  4. Sirkeci, İ. & Yaylacı, F. G. (2019). Küresel hareketlilik çağında göç kuramları ve temel kavramlar. In: Yaylacı, F. G., (ed.) Kuramsal ve Uygulama Boyutları ile Türkiye’de Sığınmacı, Mülteci ve Göçmenlerle Sosyal Hizmetler, London: Transnational Press London, pp.15-39.
  5. Sirkeci, I. (2018). Sunuş. In: Gözde Kazaz H. İlksen Mavituna, Bu Ülkeden Gitmek, Istanbul: Metropolis Yayinlari, (ISBN 978-605-66693-6-1), pp.7-16.
  6. Sirkeci, I. (2018). Göçün 3KA’sı. In: Uğuzman, T. et al. (der.) Dünyaya ve Türkiye’ye Sosyolojik Bakış, Paneller Dizisi:I-II. Ankara, Turkey: Başkent Üniversitesi, pp.97-112. (ISBN: 978-605-67971-7-0)
  7. Yüceşahin, M. M., & Sirkeci, İ. (2018). Suriyelilerin Demografik Yapısı. In: Kartal, B. and Manco, U. (eds.), Beklenmeyen Misafirler Suriyeli Siginmacilar Penceresinden Turkiye Toplumunun Gelecegi, London: Transnational Press London, pp. 93-116. (ISBN: 978-1-910781-53-1)
  8. Sirkeci, I. (2017). Tanrı olmayınca işgücü piyasasında ne oluyor? In: Tufan Çelebi (ed.) Ateizm: Teori ve Pratik, Istanbul: Propaganda Yayınları, chapter 8. (eISBN: 978-1-927893-65-4 (ePub), 978-1-927893-66-1 (mobi)), (Ebook).
  9. Yüceşahin, M.M. and Sirkeci, I. (2017). Demographic gaps between Syrian and the European populations: What do they suggest? In: Eroglu Utku, D., Unutulmaz, K.O. and Sirkeci, I. (eds.) (2017). Turkey’s Syrians: Today and Tomorrow. London, UK: Transnational Press London, pp.187-211. (Reprint of article in Border Crossing, 7(2): 207-230).
  10. Unutulmaz, K.O., Sirkeci, I. and Eroglu Utku, D. (2017). Syrian Communities in Turkey: Conflict Induced Diaspora. In: Eroglu Utku, D., Unutulmaz, K.O. and Sirkeci, I. (eds.) (2017). Turkey’s Syrians: Today and Tomorrow. London, UK: Transnational Press London, pp.1-21.
  11. Unutulmaz, K.O., Sirkeci, I. and Eroglu Utku, D. (2017). Conclusion. In: Eroglu Utku, D., Unutulmaz, K.O. and Sirkeci, I. (eds.) (2017). Turkey’s Syrians: Today and Tomorrow. London, UK: Transnational Press London, pp.237-242.
  12. Martin, P.L. & Sirkeci, I. (2017). Recruitment, remittances, and returns. In: Reinert, Kenneth A. (Ed.). Handbook on Globalisation and Development. Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar, pp. 312-330.
  13. Cohen, J.H., Eroglu, D., Sirkeci, I. (2016). Introduction: 4th Turkish Migration Conference. In: Eroglu, D., Cohen, J.H., Sirkeci, I. (eds.) Turkish Migration 2016 Selected Papers. London: Transnational Press London, pp.1-4.
  14. Pusch, B. and Sirkeci, I. (2016). Introduction: Turkish migration policy at a glance. In: Sirkeci, I. and Pusch, B. (eds.) Turkish Migration Policy. London, UK: Transnational Press London. pp.9-22.
  15. Cohen, J. H. and Sirkeci, I. (2016). Migration and insecurity: rethinking mobility in the neoliberal age. In: Carrier, James G. (ed.) After the Crisis, Anthropological thought, neoliberalism and the aftermath. London, New York: Routledge, pp. 96-113.
  16. Sirkeci, I., Cohen, J. H., Yazgan, P., Zotova, N. (2016). Introduction. In: Sirkeci, I., Cohen, J. H., Yazgan, P. (eds.) Conflict, Insecurity and Mobility. London, UK: Transnational Press London, pp.1-6.
  17. Zeyneloglu, Sirkeci, I., Civelek, Y. (2015). Interregional migration and language shift among Turkey’s ethnic Kurds, Turkish Migration Conference 2015 Selected Proceedings. London: Transnational Press London, pp.369-373.
  18. Caglar, A., Seker, B.D., Sirkeci, I. (2015). Introduction: Family and demography in Turkish mobility. In: Sirkeci, I., Seker, B.D., & Caglar, A. (eds.) Turkish Migration, Identity and Integration. London, UK: Transnational Press London, pp.1-9.
  19. Yüceşahin, M.M., Milewski, N., Sirkeci, I., Rolls, A.S. (2015). Introduction: Family and demography in Turkish mobility. In: Milewski, N., Sirkeci, I., M. Yucesahin & Rolls, A. (eds.) Family and Human Capital in Turkish Migration. London, UK: Transnational Press London, pp.1-10.
  20. Sirkeci, I., Yüceşahin, M.M., Şeker, B. D. (2015). Uyum Çalışmalarına Giriş. In: Seker, B. D., Sirkeci, I., & Yucesahin, M. (eds.) Göç ve Uyum. London, UK: Transnational Press London, pp.1-10.
  21. Sirkeci, I. & Acik, N. (2015). İngiltere’de Göçmenlerin Ekonomik Uyumu ve İşgücü Piyasasında Azınlıklar. In: Seker, B. D., Sirkeci, I., & Yucesahin, M. (eds.) Göç ve Uyum. London, UK: Transnational Press London, pp.143-164.
  22. Zeyneloglu, S. & Sirkeci, I. (2015). Türkiye’de Almanlar ve Almancılar. In: Seker, B. D., Sirkeci, I., and Yucesahin, M. (eds.). Göç ve Uyum. London, UK: Transnational Press London, pp.217-266.
  23. Sirkeci, I. (2014). Foreword. In: Basu, B. & Bang, J.T. International Remittance Payments and the Global Economy. Oxon: Routledge, pp.xviii-xix.
  24. Martin, P.L. & Sirkeci, I. (2015). Introduction. In: Sirkeci, I., Elcin, D., and Seker, G. (Eds.). Politics and Law in Turkish Migration. London: Transnational Press London, pp. 1-6.
  25. Sirkeci, I. & Zeyneloglu, S. (2014). Abwanderung aus Deutschland in die Türkei: Eine Trendwende im Migrationsgeschehen? [Migration from Germany to Turkey: reversal of fortunes]. In: Alscher, S. & Krienbriek, A. (eds.) Abwanderung von Türkeistämmigen: Wer verlässt Deutschland und warum?. Germany: BAMF, pp. 30-85 (in German).
  26. Sirkeci, I., Cohen, J. & Can, N. (2012). Internal Mobility of foreign-born in Turkey. In: Finney, N. and Catney, G. (eds.) Minority Internal Migration in Europe. Farnham: Ashgate, pp.175-193
  27. Sirkeci, I., Cohen, J. & Ratha, D. (2012). Introduction: Remittance flows and practices during the crisis. In: Sirkeci, I., Cohen, J. & Ratha, D. (eds.) Migration and Remittances during the Global Financial Crisis and Beyond. Washington, DC. USA: The World Bank, pp. 1-20.
  28. Cohen, J. & Sirkeci, I. (2012). Theoretical appraisal: Understanding remittances. In: Sirkeci, I., Cohen, J. & Ratha, D. (eds.) Migration and Remittances during the Global Financial Crisis and Beyond. Washington, DC. USA: The World Bank, pp. 23-30.
  29. Sirkeci, I. (2012). Remittances in an environment of human insecurity: The Kurdish case. In: Sirkeci, I., Cohen, J. & Ratha, D. (eds.) Migration and Remittances during the Global Financial Crisis and Beyond. Washington, DC. USA: The World Bank, pp. 277-281.
  30. Yazgan, P. & Sirkeci, I. (2012). Financial crisis and remittances from Denmark to Turkey. In: Sirkeci, I., Cohen, J. & Ratha, D. (eds.) Migration and Remittances during the Global Financial Crisis and Beyond. Washington, DC. USA: The World Bank, pp. 283-289.
  31. Khattab, N., Sirkeci, I., Johnston, R. & Modood, T. (2011). “Ethnicity, religion, residential segregation and life chances.” In Tariq Modood & John Salt (eds.) Global Migration, Ethnicity and Britishness, Palgrave, Macmillan, pp.153-176. (ISBN: 978-0-230-29687-9).
  32. Sirkeci, I. (2010). Güvensizlik ve Çatışma Ekseninde Uluslararası Göç ve Vatandaşlık. In: Filiz Kartal (ed.) Yurttaşlık Tartışmaları, TODAIE (Turkiye ve Orta Dogu Amme Idaresi), Ankara, Turkey, Chapter 3, pp.89-112 (ISBN: 978-975-8918-37-9).
  33. Sirkeci, I. & Mannix, R. (2010). Segmentation challenges posed by ‘transnationals’ in mobile marketing. In: Key Pousttchi & Dietmar G. Wiedemann (eds.) The Handbook of Research on Mobile Marketing Management, Information Science Reference, IGI Global, Hershey, New York, USA, pp.94-114 (ISBN: 978-1-60566-074-5).
  34. Sirkeci, I. (2008). Conflict, the Environment of Human Insecurity and Migration in Iraq in the Aftermath of 2003. In: Rittersberger-Tilic, H. et al. (eds.) Rethinking Global Migration: Practices, Policies and Discourses in the European Neighbourhood, KORA – Center for Black Sea and Central Asia and Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, pp.161-175. (ISBN: 978-605-89751-1-8).
  35. Sirkeci, I. (2008). Migration of Turkmen, Impacts on Turkey, Iraq and Turkmen. In: Nakanishi, H., Sirkeci, I. & Cabbarlı, H. (eds.) Migration in Conflict Areas – Sorunlu Bölgelerde Göç, Global Strategy Institute, Ankara, Turkey, pp.29-45. (ISBN: 978-975-8975-08-02) (English and Turkish)
  36. Sirkeci, I. (2008). Securitisation of International Migration, Conflict and Environment of Insecurity in Conceptualisation of International Migration. In: Papadopoulos, A. (ed.) Migration and Human Security in Southeastern Europe, Papazisis Publishers, Athens, (in Greek).
  37. Sirkeci, I. (2007). From guest workers to asylum seekers: Turkish Kurds in Cologne. In: Guillou, A.Y., S. Tapia, and P.M. Wadbled (eds.) Migrations turques dans un monde Globalise, Le poids du local, Rennes, France, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, pp.179-198, [ISBN 978-2-7535-0463-9].
  38. Sirkeci, I. (2006). “Turcs et Chypriotes de Grande-Bretagne [Turks and Cypriots of Great Britain]”, in A. Manco (ed.), Turcs en Europe. L’heure de l’élargissement, Collection “Compétences interculturelles”, Paris, Budapest, Turin, L’Harmattan, pp.67-68. (in French).
  39. Sirkeci, I. (2006). “Kuresel control cabalarina karsi bireysel asma cabalari: Turkiye ve Irak orneklerinde uluslararasi gocun evrimi”, in Zeytinburnu Belediyesi. (eds.) Uluslararasi Goc Sempozyumu Bildiriler – International Migration Symposium Communique, Yayin no.6, Istanbul, Zeytinburnu Belediyesi, pp.33-39. (in Turkish)
  40. Sirkeci, I. (2006). “Individual overcoming efforts vs. global control effort: the evolution of international migration in the examples of Turkey and Iraq”, in Zeytinburnu Belediyesi. (eds.) Uluslararasi Goc Sempozyumu – International Migration Symposium Communique, Yayin no.6, Istanbul, Zeytinburnu Belediyesi, pp.406-412.
  41. Sirkeci, I. (2005). “Conflict and international migration: Iraqi Turkmen in Turkey”, in V. Iontsev et al. (eds.) International Migration Trends, Scientific Series International Migration of Population: Russia and Contemporary World, Volume 15, Department of Population, Moscow State University Lomonosov, Moscow, MAX-Press, pp.193-201.
  42. Sirkeci, I. (2005). “Diaspora: Turkish”, in M. Gibney and R. Hansen (eds.) Immigration and Asylum from 1900 to the Present, ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, pp.607-610.
  43. Cohen, J. and Sirkeci, I. (2005). “A comparative study of Turkish and Mexican transnational migration outcomes: Facilitating or restricting immigrant integration?”, in Henke, H. (ed.) Crossing Over: Comparing Recent Migration in the United States and Europe, Lexington Books, New York, pp.147-162.
  44. Icduygu, A. and Sirkeci, I. (1999). “Cumhuriyet dönemi Türkiye’sinde göç hareketleri [Migration movements in Republican Turkey]”, in Baydar, O. (ed.) Bilanço `98: 75 Yilda Koylerden Sehirlere, Tarih Vakfi Yayinlari, Istanbul, pp.249-268. (in Turkish)
  45. Icduygu, A. and Sirkeci, I. (1999). “Bir ülke, bir aile ve birçok göç: cumhuriyet döneminde bir toplumsal dönüsüm örnegi [A country, a family, and many migrations: a social transformation from the Republican era]”. In: Baydar, O. (ed.) Bilanço `98: 75 Yilda Koylerden Sehirlere, Tarih Vakfi Yayinlari, Istanbul, pp.269-276. (in Turkish)
  46. Icduygu, A., Sirkeci, I. and Aydingun, I. (1998). “Türkiye’de içgöç ve içgöçün isçi hareketine etkileri [Internal migration in Turkey and repercussions for the labour movement]”. In: Icduygu, A., Sirkeci, I. and Aydingün, I. (eds.) Türkiye’de Içgöç, Tarih Vakfi Yayinlari, Istanbul, pp.205-244. (in Turkish)

Articles in international refereed journals

  1. Sirkeci, I., & Yucesahin, M. M. (2020). Coronavirus and Migration: Analysis of Human Mobility and the Spread of Covid-19. Migration Letters, 17(2), 379-398.
  2. Sirkeci, İ., Utku, D., Yüceşahin, M. (2019). Göç Çatışma Modelinin Katılım, Kalkınma ve Kitle Açıkları Üzerinden Bir Değerlendirmesi. Journal of Economy Culture and Society, 59 (1), 199-226. DOI: 10.26650/JECS2019-0016
  3. Sirkeci, I., & Zeren, F. (2018). Diaspora Marketing Revisited: The nexus of entrepreneurs and consumers. Transnational Marketing Journal, 6(2), 139-157.
  4. Ebadi, N., Ahmadi, D., Sirkeci, I., & Melgar-Quiñonez, H. (2018). The Impact of Remittances on Food Security Status in the Global South. Remittances Review, 3(2), 135-150.
  5. Jonas, O., & Sirkeci, I. (2018). Understanding determinants of illegal e-book downloading behaviour in the UK and Germany. Transnational Marketing Journal, 6(2), 79-100.
  6. Sirkeci, I., Acik, N., Saunders, B., Privara, A. (2018). Barriers for highly qualified A8 immigrants in the UK labour market. Work, Employment and Society, 32(5): 906-924.
  7. Waehning, N., Sirkeci, I., Dahl, S., Zeyneloğlu, S. (2018). Regional Cultural Differences Within and Across Four Western European Countries, Transnational Marketing Journal, 6(1): 23-47. DOI:
  8. Yüceşahin, M.M., Sirkeci, I. (2017). Demographic gaps between Syrian and the European populations: What do they suggest? Border Crossing, 7(2): 207-230. DOI:
  9. Sirkeci, I., Cohen, J., & Přívara, A. (2017). Towards a Migration Letters Index: the most influential works and authors in Migration Studies. Migration Letters, 14(3), 397-424. DOI:
  10. Why do they boycott? Withholding consumption among London’s Muslim Arabs. International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies, 8(2/3): 216-239. DOI:
  11. Sirkeci, I. (2017). Turkey’s refugees, Syrians and refugees from Turkey: a country of insecurity, Migration Letters, 14(1), pp.127-144.
  12. Sirkeci, I. (2017). Bir güvensizlik ülkesi olarak Türkiye’nin mültecileri, Suriyeliler ve Türk mülteciler. Göç Dergisi, 4(1), 21-40. [Translation of Migration Letters, 14(1) paper].
  13. Malliari, L. and Sirkeci, I. (2017). Performance of Direct Mail in building customer loyalty in Greek automotive sector during the financial crisis. International Journal of Business Performance Management, 18(1): 1-24.
  14. Sirkeci, I. (2016). Transnational Döner Kebab taking over the UK. Transnational Marketing Journal, 4(2): 143-158.
  15. Sirkeci, I. and Cohen, J. H. (2016). Cultures of migration and conflict in contemporary human mobility in Turkey. European Review, 24(3): 381-396.
  16. Sirkeci, I. and Bardakçı, S. (2016). Suriye’den gelenler misafir değil bir göç kültürünün öncüleri. Humanitas-Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 4(7), 531-544.
  17. Zeyneloğlu, S., Civelek, Y. and Sirkeci, I. (2016). Inter-regional migration and intermarriage among Kurds in Turkey. Economics and Sociology, 9(1): 139-161 (DOI: 10.14254/2071-789X.2016/9-1/10)
  18. Zeyneloğlu, S., Sirkeci, I., Civelek, Y. (2016). Language shift among Kurds in Turkey: A spatial and demographic analysis. Kurdish Studies, 4(1): 25-50.
  19. Seker, B. D. and Sirkeci, I. (2015). Challenges for refugee children at school in Eastern Turkey. Economics and Sociology, 8(4):122-133. DOI: 10.14254/2071-789X.2015/8.4/1
  20. Sirkeci, I. and Cohen, J. H. (2015). Measuring impact and the most influential works in migration studies. Migration Letters, 12(3): 336-345.
  21. Yazgan, P., Utku, D.E. & Sirkeci, I. (2015). Syrian Crisis and Migration. Migration Letters, 12(3): 181-192.
  22. Sirkeci, I. & Cohen, J.H. (2015). Hareketlilik, Göç, Güvensizlik [Mobility, migration and insecurity]. İdealkent Dergisi. No.15 (January 2015). pp.8-21.
  23. Seker, G., Sirkeci, I., and Arslan, C. (2014). Yabancılar ve Uluslararası Koruma Kanunu Hakkında Genel Bir Değerlendirme [A Review of Foreigners and International Protection Law]. Insan Haklari Yilligi, Vol.32, pp.107-129.
  24. Seker, B. D. & Sirkeci, I. (2014). Birleşik Krallık’daki Türkiye Kökenli Kadınlarda Yaşam Doyumu: Kimlik, Kültürleşme ve Ayrımcılık [Life Satisfaction among Turkey-Origin Women in the United Kingdom: Identity, Acculturation, and Discrimination]. Türk Psikoloji Yazıları, 17 (34), 69-81.
  25. Zeyneloğlu, S., & Sirkeci, I. (2014). Türkiye’de Almanlar ve Almancılar. Göç Dergisi, 1(1), 77-118.
  26. Sirkeci, I. Acik, N. Saunders, B. (2014). Discriminatory labour market experiences of A8 national high skilled workers in the UK. Border Crossing, 4(1-2), pp.17-31.
  27. Sirkeci, I. and Martin, P. L. (2014). “Sources of Irregularity and Managing Migration: The Case of Turkey”. Border Crossing, 4(1-2), pp.1-16.
  28. Dogan, E. and Sirkeci, I. (2013) ‘The impact of a mega-event on city branding: The European Capital of Culture 2010 and the image of Istanbul’. Border Crossing, Vol. 3(1-2), pp.29-50. Available at:
  29. Sirkeci, I. and Esipova, N. (2013). “Turkish migration in Europe and desire to migrate to and from Turkey”, Border Crossing, 3(1-2), pp.1-13.
  30. Khattab, N., Johnston, R., Sirkeci, I., and Modood, T. (2012). Returns on Education amongst Men in England and Wales: The Impact of Residential Segregation and Ethno-religious Background. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 30(3):296-309
  31. Sirkeci, I., Cohen, J.H. and Yazgan, P. (2012). The Turkish culture of migration: Flows between Turkey and Germany, socio-economic development and conflict. Migration Letters, 9(1):33-46.
  32. Sirkeci, I. and Cindoglu, D. (2012). Space, Agency and Withdrawal: Birth Control Choices of Women in Turkey. Health Care for Women International, 33(7): 614-630
  33. Cohen, J. H. and Sirkeci, I. (2012). “Six Myths about Migrant Remittances and the Global Economic Crisis”. Siirtolaisuus – Migration, 3/2012, pp.21-27.
  34. Sirkeci, I. and Magnusdottir, L. (2011). Understanding illegal music downloading in the UK: A multi-attribute model. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 5(1): 90-110.
  35. Khattab, N., Johnston, R., Modood, T. and Sirkeci, I. (2011). Economic Activity in the South-Asian Population in Britain: The Impact of Ethnicity, Religion and Class. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 34(9): 1466-1481.
  36. Johnston, R., Sirkeci, I., Khattab, N., and Modood, T. (2010). Ethno-religious categories and measuring occupational attainment in relation to Education in England and Wales: a multi-level analysis. Environment and Planning A, 42(3): 578 – 591.
  37. Khattab, N., Johnston, R., Sirkeci, I., and Modood, T. (2010). The impact of spatial segregation on the employment outcomes amongst Bangladeshis men and women in England and Wales. Sociological Research Online, 15(2).
  38. Sirkeci, I., Cohen, J. and Can, N. (2009). Internal migration of the foreign born or internal migration of immigrants in Turkey. Sosyoloji Araştırmaları Dergisi / Journal of Sociological Research, 12(2).
  39. Sirkeci, I. (2009). Transnational mobility and conflict. Migration Letters, 6(1): 3-14.
  40. Sirkeci, I. (2009). Ethnic Marketing Potential in England and Wales: New evidence from the 2001 UK Census. Asian Journal of Marketing, 3(1): 1-9.
  41. Cindoglu, D., Sirkeci, I., Sirkeci, R.F. (2008). Determinants of choosing withdrawal over modern contraceptive methods in Turkey. The European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care, 13(4): 412-421.
  42. Sirkeci, I. (2007). “Human Insecurity and Streams of Conflict for a Re-conceptualisation of International Migration”, Population Review, 46(2): 32-50.
  43. Sirkeci, I. (2007). “Conflict and Insecurity in Conceptualisation of International Migration”, Geographies, No.13 (Autumn 2007): 20-34.
  44. Sirkeci, I. (2006). “Ethnic conflict, wars and international migration of Turkmen: evidence from Iraq”, Migration Letters, 3(1): 31-43.
  45. Sirkeci, I. (2005). “War in Iraq: environment of insecurity and international migration”, International Migration, 43(4): 197-214.
  46. Sirkeci, I. (2004). “Iraqi International Migration:  Potentials for the Post-war Period”, Population Review, 43(1): 37-49.
  47. Sirkeci, I. (2003). “Migration from Turkey to Germany: an ethnic analysis”, New Perspectives on Turkey, 2003(28-29): 189-208.
  48. Sirkeci, I. (2002). “Revisiting the Turkish migration to Germany after forty years”, Siirtolaisuus-Migration, Vol.29, No.2, p.9-20.
  49. Sirkeci, I. and Icduygu, A.  (2001). “75 years of Turkish Diaspora: a republican family on the move”, Siirtolaisuus-Migration, Vol.28, No.2, p.1-14.
  50. Icduygu, A., Sirkeci, I. and Muradoglu, G. (2001). “Socio-Economic development and international migration: a Turkish study”, International Migration, 39(4): 39-61.
  51. Cindoglu, D. and Sirkeci, I. (2001). “Variables that explain variation in prenatal care in Turkey: social class, education and ethnicity revisited”, Journal of Biosocial Science, 33(2): 261-270.
  52. Sirkeci, I. (2000). “Exploring the Kurdish population in the Turkish context”, GENUS, an International Journal of Demography, 56(1-2): 149-175.
  53. Icduygu, A., Romano, D. and Sirkeci, I. (1999). “The ethnic question in an environment of insecurity: the Kurds in Turkey”, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 22(6): 991-1010.
  54. Icduygu, A. and Sirkeci, I. (1998). “Changing dynamics of the migratory regime between Turkey and Arab countries”, The Turkish Journal of Population Studies, 20: 3-15.

Articles in other periodicals, working paper series, magazines, and portals

  1. Sirkeci, I. (2020). Syrian crisis: a very complicated simple question. In: Leonardo Schiocchet, Christine Nölle-Karimi, Monika Mokre (Eds.) Agency and Tutelage in Forced Migration, 2(1), pp.51-54. (
  2. Sirkeci, I. (2016). It is all about being happy in search of security. Volkerrechtsblog, 7 November. ISSN 2510-2567. (
  3. Sirkeci, I. (2014). Globalisation is Over: The era of transnational marketing and connected consumers”, The World Financial Review, (January-February), pp.18-20.  (
  4. Sirkeci, I. (October, 2013). “Turkey’s Looming Immigration Crisis: Syrian Refugees and Others”, Vol. II, Issue 8, pp.6-10, Centre for Policy and Research on Turkey (ResearchTurkey), London, Research Turkey. ( (Accessed 7/11/2013).
  5. Sirkeci, I. (2013). “Turkish-Kurdish Peace: It Is Different This Time”. Huffington Post, Available online: (Accessed 22/5/2013).
  6. Sirkeci, I. (2013). “Review, Conference: Turkish Migration in Europe: Projecting the next 50 years”. Turkish Review, Vol. 3, No.2, pp.222-223.
  7. Sirkeci, I. and Naik, A. (2013). “Investing back in the home country”. BN Magazine, Business Network, No.16, March-April, 2013, pp.14-15.
  8. Sirkeci, I. (2013). “EU leaders should not fear a ‘Turkish invasion of Europe’”. NewStatesman, Available online: (Accessed 1/2/2013).
  9. Holligan, C. and Sirkeci, I. (2011). “Measuring academic research performance through audit at the expense of trust: Exploring the 21st Century University”, Border Crossing, Vol. 2011, No. 1104, pp.49-59.
  10. Sirkeci, I. (2011). “The Turks are coming”, Inner Circle Magazine, Issue 3, July 2011(Regent’s College London), pp.12-13.
  11. Sirkeci, I. (2010). “For a pro-immigration argument”, Political Reflection, Vol.1, No.2, pp.17-19.
  12. Sirkeci, I. (2008). “Fleeing Iraq five years after the 2003 invasion”, Global Strateji Dergisi, Year 3, No.13, pp.99-108. 
  13. Sirkeci, I. (2007). “Israil saldırısı öncesi ve sonrası Lübnan’da göç [Migration in Lebanon before and after the Israel’s Attack]”, Global Strateji Dergisi, Year 2, No.11, pp.88-94. (in Turkish)
  14. Sirkeci, I. (2006). “Potential Value of the Ethnic Pound in England and Wales”, EBS London Occasional and Working Paper Series, Research in Culture, Language and Society, No.1, pp.1-17.
  15. Sirkeci, I. (2006). “Türkiye ve uluslararası göç yönetimi [Turkey and international migration management]”, Global Strateji Dergisi, Year 1, No.3-4, pp.119-124. (in Turkish)
  16. Sirkeci, I. (2005). “Irak’ta savaşın uluslararası göç eğilimlerine olası etkileri [Potential influences of war in Iraq on international migration trends]”, Global Strateji Dergisi, Year 1, No.2, pp.86-99. (in Turkish)
  17. Sirkeci, I. and C. Demirci (2005). “Irak Türkmenlerinin Yurtdışına Göçü [International migration of Iraqi Turkmen]”, Global Strateji Dergisi, Year 1, No.1, pp.82-92. (in Turkish)
  18. Sirkeci, I. (2004). “20. Yüzyılda Turk Gocleri ve Gocun Evrimi [Turkish migrations in 20th century and the evolution of migration]”, Umuda Dogru, Year 4, No.15, pp. 8-10. (in Turkish)
  19. Sirkeci, I. (1999). “Türkiye’ye göç üzerine kisa bir not [A brief note on immigration to Turkey]”, Umuda Dogru, Year 2, No.10, pp.6-8. (in Turkish)

Editorials in international refereed journals

  1. Sirkeci, I. (2020). Göç Meselesi. Pasajlar, Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 7(1):1-8.
  2. Sirkeci, I., Ozerim, M. G., Bilecen, T. (2020). Editörden: KOVİD-19’un Uluslararası Hareketlilik ve Göçmenliğe İlişkin Etkisi Üzerine. Göç Dergisi, 7(1):1-8. DOI:
  3. Patena, W., Al Serhan, O., Sirkeci, I., Gleason, K.C. (2020). Editorial. Int. J. Business Performance Management, 21(1/2): 1-5.
  4. Sirkeci, I. (2020). Editorial: Marketing and Consumers in an Era of Disruption Caused by Covid-19 Pandemic. Transnational Marketing Journal, 8(1), 1-2. doi:
  5. Sirkeci, I. (2020). Editorial: Remittances during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Remittances Review, 5(1), 1-2.
  6. Sirkeci, I. (2019). Editorial. Transnational Marketing Journal, 7(1), 1-2. doi:
  7. Sirkeci, I. (2019). Kurdish Studies in seven volumes. Kurdish Studies, 7(1), 1-3.
  8. Sirkeci, I. (2018). Editorial. Transnational Marketing Journal, 6(1): 1-2.
  9. Sirkeci, I. (2017). Editorial. Migration Letters, 14(3): 329-330.
  10. Sirkeci, I. (2017). Editorial. Transnational Marketing Journal, 5(1): 1-2.
  11. Dogan, E. and Sirkeci, I. (2016). Editorial: Taste of City, Transnational Food and Place Marketing. Transnational Marketing Journal, 4(2): 59-61.
  12. Sirkeci, I. (2016). Editorial: Introducing Remittances Review. Remittances Review, 1(1): 1-4.
  13. Yüceşahin, M.M., Tilbe, A. and Sirkeci, I. (2016). Editörden: Göç Dergisi ve Göç Konferansı. Göç Dergisi, 3(2): 139-142.
  14. Martin, P.L. and Sirkeci, I. (2016). Editorial: The Migration Conference and 13 years of Migration Letters. Migration Letters, 13(3): 329-332.
  15. Özservet, Y., & Sirkeci, I. (2016). Editörden: Çocuklar ve göç. Göç Dergisi, 3(1), 1-4.
  16. Zeydanlioglu, W. & Sirkeci, I. (2015). Editorial. Kurdish Studies, 3(1), 1-2.
  17. Tilbe, A. & Sirkeci, I. (2015). Editörden: Göç ve göçmen yazını üzerine. Göç Dergisi, 2(1), 1-4.
  18. Sirkeci, I., & Yüceşahin, M. (2014). Editörden: Türkiye’de göç çalışmaları. Göç Dergisi, 1(1), 1-10.
  19. Martin, P.L., Sirkeci, I. and Stark, E. (2012). Editorial: Migration and development: Comparing Mexico-US and Turkey-Europe. Migration Letters, 9(1): 1-10.
  20. Ratha, D. and Sirkeci, I. (2010). Editorial: Remittances and the global financial crisis. Migration Letters, 7(2): 125-131.

Book reviews

  1. Sirkeci, I. (2017). Roma-Gypsy Presence in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, 15th-18th Centuries by Lech Mróz [Book Review]. Journal of Gypsy Studies, 1(1), pp.87-88.
  2. Sirkeci, I. (2016). Migrant Remittances in South Asia: An Introduction edited by Md Mizanur Rahman, Tan Tai Yong, A K M Ahsan Ullah [Book Review]. Remittances Review, 1(1), pp.120-121.
  3. Sirkeci, I. (2016). The Remittance Landscape: Spaces of Migration in Rural Mexico and Urban USA by Sarah Lynn Lopez [Book Review]. Remittances Review, 1(1), pp.119-120.
  4. Sirkeci, I. (2016). Crossing the Gulf: Love and Family in Migrant Lives by Pardis Mahdavi [Book Review]. Migration Letters, 13(3), pp.479-480.
  5. Sirkeci, I. (2016). Mexican Migration to the United States edited by Harriett D. Romo and Olivia Mogollon-Lopez [Book Review]. Migration Letters, 13(3), pp.482-483.
  6. Sirkeci, I. (2014). Book review: The Quintessence of Marketing: What You Really Need to Know to Manage Your Marketing Activities. Transnational Marketing Journal, 2(2), pp.112-113.
  7. Sirkeci, I. (2012). Migration, Technology, and Transculturation by Myna German [Book Review]. Migration Letters, 9(3), pp.294-295.
  8. Sirkeci, I. (2008). “Innovative concepts, migration policies [Book Review]”, Migration Letters, Vol.5, No.1, pp.100-105.
  9. Sirkeci, I. (2007). “The Future of International Migration Governance by Arno Tanner [Book Review]”, Migration Letters, Vol.4, No.2, pp.206-207.
  10. Sirkeci, I. (2007). “Migration, Citizenship, Ethnos [Book Review]”, International Affairs, Vol.87, No.3, pp.513-514.
  11. Sirkeci, I. (2007). “Centering the Margin, Agency and Narrative in Southeast Asian Borderlands [Book Review]”, Migration Letters, Vol.4, No.1, pp.89-90.
  12. Sirkeci, I. (2006). “The Culture of Migration in Southern Mexico [Book Review]”, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Vol.32, No.5, pp.899-900.
  13. Sirkeci, I. (2006). “Embracing the infidel: Stories of Muslim migrants on the journey West, Behzad Yaghmaian [Book Review]”, Migration Letters, Vol. 3, No. 1, p.87-89.
  14. Sirkeci, I. (2005). “The Culture of Migration in Southern Mexico, Jeffrey H. Cohen [Book Review]”, Migration Letters, Vol. 2, No. 2, p.178-181.
  15. Sirkeci, I. (2005). “International Migration in Southeast Asia, Aris Ananta and Evi Nurvidya Arifin (Eds.) [Book Review]”, Migration Letters, Vol. 2, No. 2, p.176-177.
  16. Sirkeci, I. (2005). “Controlling Illegal Immigration: A Global Perspective, Wayne A. Cornelius et. al. (Eds.) [Book Review]”, Migration Letters, Vol. 2, No. 2, p.175-176.
  17. Sirkeci, I. (2005). “Displacement Risks in Africa, Itaru Ohta and Yntiso D. Gebre (eds.) [Book Review]”, Migration Letters, Vol. 2, No. 2, p.173-174.
  18. Sirkeci, I. (2005). “Islamic perspectives on the new millennium”, [Book Review] Population Review, Vol.44, No.1, Section 3.

Refereed conference papers/presentations

  1. Zeyneloglu, S. and Sirkeci, I. (2019). “Revisiting the desire for independence as a driver for return migration”, paper presented at Royal Geographical Society-IBG Annual International Conference 2019, RGS, London, UK, 27-30 August 2019.
  2. Sirkeci, I. and Zeren, F. (2018). Full English Breakfast with spicy Turkish sausage, Presented at The 3rd Taste of City: Food and Place Marketing Conference 2018, Akdeniz University, Antalya, Turkey, 4-5 October 2018.
  3. Sirkeci, I., Deniz Eroğlu Utku, M. Murat Yüceşahin (2018). Göç Çatisma Modelinin Katilim, Kalkinma ve Kitle Açiklari Üzerinden Bir Degerlendirmesi, Presented at The Migration Conference 2018, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal, 26-28 June 2018.
  4. Yazgan, P. and Sirkeci, I. (2018). Conflict model of migration as an analytical tool: Reflexive notes from a fieldwork in Norway, Presented at The Migration Conference 2018, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal, 26-28 June 2018.
  5. Sirkeci, I. and M. Murat Yüceşahin (2018). 3 Ds and Conflict Model of Migration: Measuring Insecurity, Presented at The Migration Conference 2018, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal, 26-28 June 2018.
  6. Privara, A. and Sirkeci, I. (2017). Main money transfer operators failed to reduce cost of remittances to 10 developing countries. Presented at The Migration Conference 2017, Harokopio University, Athens, Greece, 23-26 August.
  7. Liu, J., Sirkeci, I., Hook, B. and Li, C. (2017). Chinese Labour Migration during World War I. Presented at The Migration Conference 2017, Harokopio University, Athens, Greece, 23-26 August.
  8. Shi, X., Liu, J., Sirkeci, I. (2016). Unveiling the antecedents and consequences of social media engagement and community trust (454). Presented at British Academy of Management – BAM2016 Conference Proceedings, University of Newcastle, UK, 5-8 September, 2016. (ISBN: 978-0-9549608-9-6).
  9. Liu, J., Shi, X., Sirkeci, I. (2016). Managing the determinants of brand loyalty: the case of Apple and Samsung (362). Presented at British Academy of Management – BAM2016 Conference Proceedings, University of Newcastle, UK, 5-8 September, 2016. (ISBN: 978-0-9549608-9-6).
  10. Sirkeci, I. (2016). Doner Kebab taking over the UK, paper presented at the Taste of City Conference 2016: Food and Place Marketing, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, 1 September 2016.
  11. Zeyneloglu, S., Sirkeci, I., Cohen, J.H. (2016). Independence as a Factor of Core-To-Periphery Migration from Germany to Turkey. presented at the 4th Turkish Migration Conference, University of Vienna, Austria, 12-15 July.
  12. Sirkeci, I. & Al Serhan, O. (2016). The Influence of Transnationality on Consumers Boycotting Behaviour, presented at the 7th Global Islamic Marketing Conference, Casablanca, Morocco, 4-6 May 2016.
  13. Sirkeci, I. (2016). The Influence of Transnationality on Islamic Marketing, Keynote Speech delivered at the 7th Global Islamic Marketing Conference, Casablanca, Morocco, 4-6 May 2016.
  14. Li, X., Liu, J. & Sirkeci, I. (2016). Psychological Determinants and Relationships with Brand Loyalty: The case of Apple and Samsung, to be presented at the Academy of Marketing Conference, Newcastle, 5-8 July 2016.
  15. Osei, C., Omar, M. & Sirkeci, I. (2015). Marketing Ghana to Attract FDI poster presented at the 2015 Academy of Marketing Conference, the Magic in Marketing, Limerick, Ireland, 7-9 July 2015.
  16. Yucesahin, M.M. & Sirkeci, I. (2015). Mind the gap: Global demographic ageing and elderly human capital from 1980 to 2010, paper presented at 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association, Prague, Czech Republic, 25-28 August.
  17. Yazgan, P. & Sirkeci, I. (2015). Migrant narratives and conflict, paper presented at Turkish Migration Conference TMC 2015, Charles University Prague, Czech Republic, 25-27 June.
  18. Tilbe, F., Sirkeci, I., Kaska, S. (2015). Irregularity in remittances by Turks in London, paper presented at Turkish Migration Conference TMC 2015, Charles University Prague, Czech Republic, 25-27 June.
  19. Zeyneloglu, Sirkeci, I., Civelek, Y. (2015). Interregional migration and language shift among Turkey’s ethnic Kurds, paper presented at Turkish Migration Conference TMC 2015, Charles University Prague, Czech Republic, 25-27 June.
  20. Sirkeci, I. & Zeyneloglu, S. (2014). Conceptualising demographic capital in relation to migration and employment outcomes in London. The 2014 British Society for Population Studies Annual Conference, University of Winchester, UK, 8-10 September 2014.
  21. Zeyneloglu, S., Sirkeci, I. & Civelek, Y. (2014). Simultaneous divergence and convergence: Transitive ethnicity in the Turkish-Kurdish context. The 2014 British Society for Population Studies Annual Conference, University of Winchester, UK, 8-10 September 2014.
  22. Sirkeci, I., Acik, N. & Saunders, B. (2014). Discriminatory labour market experiences of A8 national high skilled workers in the UK. Presented at British Academy of Management – BAM2014 Conference, Belfast Waterfront, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 9-11 September, 2014.
  23. Bese-Canpolat, S., Ergan, N.C., Yilmaz, S.D., Aytac, M. & Sirkeci, I. (2014). Comparison of foreign born population in Turkey by 2000 and 2011 Censuses. Paper presented at the Turkish Migration Conference: Comparative Perspectives and Continuities” (TMC 2014) on 30 May – 1 June 2014 in London, UK. [].
  24. Seker, G., Sirkeci, I. & Arslan, C. (2014). An appraisal of the new immigration law in Turkey.  Paper presented at the Turkish Migration Conference: Comparative Perspectives and Continuities” (TMC 2014) on 30 May – 1 June 2014 in London, UK. [].
  25. Acer, Y., Gümüş, M. & Sirkeci, I. (2014). Management of asylum and migration in the UK and Turkey. Paper presented at the Turkish Migration Conference: Comparative Perspectives and Continuities” (TMC 2014) on 30 May – 1 June 2014 in London, UK. [].
  26. Tasti, E., Ergan, N.C., Yilmaz, S. D., Aytac, M. & Sirkeci, I. (2014). Return migration patterns in Turkey by 2000 and 2011 Censuses. Paper presented at the Turkish Migration Conference: Comparative Perspectives and Continuities” (TMC 2014) on 30 May – 1 June 2014 in London, UK. [].
  27. Sirkeci, I. and Zeyneloğlu, S. (2014). Mapping the patterns of international mobility from Germany to Turkey. Paper presented at the Turkish Migration Conference: Comparative Perspectives and Continuities” (TMC 2014) on 30 May – 1 June 2014 in London, UK. [].
  28. Sirkeci, I. & Seker, B. D. (2014). Passport control anxiety and insecurity among Turkish and Kurdish immigrants in Britain. Paper presented at the Turkish Migration Conference: Comparative Perspectives and Continuities” (TMC 2014) on 30 May – 1 June 2014 in London, UK. [].
  29. Seker, B. D. & Sirkeci. I. (2014). The Turkish born women in London and their adaptation processes. Paper presented at the Turkish Migration Conference: Comparative Perspectives and Continuities” (TMC 2014) on 30 May – 1 June 2014 in London, UK. [].
  30. Seker, G., Sirkeci, I. and Okmen, M. (2013). Türkiye’deki Uluslararası Göçmenlerin Karıştığı Suçların Değerlendirmesi [An analysis of the crimes involving immigrants in Turkey]. Paper presented at the The 5th International Symposium on Terrorism and Transnational Crime” (UTSAS 2013) on December 6-8 December 2013 in Antalya, Turkey [].
  31. Cohen, J.H. and Sirkeci, I. (2013). Inequality and Migration: The Political Economy of Difference Among Transnational Movers. Paper presented at the 112th American Anthropological Association, Chicago Exhibit Hall, Chicago, USA, 20-24 November 2013. (2.30pm, Saturday, 23th Nov.).
  32. Sirkeci, I. and Seker, G. (2013). The Status of Refugee Children in Public Law and Public Policy. Paper presented at the 5th International Symposium on Children at Risk and in Need of Protection, organised by Turkish National Police Academy and Center for Criminological Research (SAMER), Belek, Antalya, Turkey, 1-3 Nov. 2013 [].
  33. Seker, B.D. and Sirkeci, I. (2013). Inter-Group Relations in Educational Settings: An Assessment of the Refugee Children. Paper presented at the 5th International Symposium on Children at Risk and in Need of Protection, organised by Turkish National Police Academy and Center for Criminological Research (SAMER), Belek, Antalya, Turkey, 1-3 Nov. 2013 [].
  34. Sirkeci, I. (2013). Transnational Marketing and Transnationality of Marketing Organisation, paper presented at EMAC 2013, European Marketing Conference, held at Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey, 4-7 June 2013.
  35. Sirkeci, I. and Martin, P.L. (2013). Sources of Irregularity and Managing Migration in Turkey, paper presented at International Seminar: International Migration in the Middle East and North Africa after the Arab Uprising: A Long Term Perspective. Organized by the IUSSP Scientific Panel on International Migration in collaboration with the Center for Migration and Refugee Studies (CMRS) at the American University in Cairo (AUC) and ESRC-DFID, Cairo, Egypt, 22-23 April 2013.
  36. Dogan, E. and Sirkeci, I. (2013) Transforming the image of Istanbul during the European Capital of Culture 2010: The impact of a mega-event on city branding. Paper presented at the International Conference on Communication and the City: Voices, Spaces, Media, organised by Urban Communication Foundation, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK, 14-15 June 2013. [].
  37. Sirkeci, I. (2012). Transnational marketing success and macro-environmental screening: Testing the PEST factors in European imported alcoholic beverages sector. Academy of Marketing Conference – Marketing: catching the technology wave, University of Southampton, UK, 3-5 July 2012. []
  38. Sirkeci, I. (2012). Remittances in an environment of human insecurity: the Kurdish case. RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2012, Edinburgh, UK, 3-6 July 2012.
  39. Cohen, J.H. and Sirkeci, I. (2012). Migrant Remittances and their Place in the Global Economic Crisis, paper presented at 9th European Social Science History Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 11 – 14 April 2012.
  40. Sirkeci, I. (2011). “Marketing business school research in Britain: Research leaders’ opinion compared to student perspectives”, paper presented at the British Academy of Management Annual Conference, 13-15 September 2011, Aston Business School, Birmingham, UK.
  41. Sirkeci, I., Cohen, J.H. and Can, N. (2011). “Internal migration of foreign-born in Turkey and cultures of migration”, paper presented at the Minority Internal Migration in Europe Conference, September 5th-7th 2011, University of Manchester, UK.
  42. Gossenberger, T. and Sirkeci, I. (2011). “It’s a long step from saying to doing: Product sustainability and smoothie purchase in London”, paper presented at the Academy of Marketing Conference, 5-7 July 2011, University of Liverpool, UK,
  43. Sirkeci, I. and Mannix R. (2011). “Britanya araştırma liderlerinin gözünden araştırma saygınlığının üniversite tercihlerindeki rolü”, paper accepted at the International Higher Education Congress: [Uluslararası Yükseköğretim Kongresi: Yeni Yönelişler ve Sorunlar] (UYK-2011), organised by Turkish Higher Education Council [T.C. Yükseköğretim Kurulu], 27 – 29 May 2011, Istanbul, Turkey.
  44. Cohen, J., & Sirkeci, I. (2010). Migration and Insecurity: Movers and Non-Movers in Uncertain Times. Migration and Insecurity: Movers And Non-Movers In Uncertain Times, paper presented at the American Anthropological Association Annual Conference, 17-21 November 2010, New Orleans, United States, doi:10.1037/e643892011-001.
  45. Cohen, J., Sirkeci, I. and Rios, B. (2010). “Approaching human mobility: towards a political ecology of migration” paper presented at British Society for Population Studies Conference, University of Exeter, 13-15 September 2010, Exeter, UK.
  46. Sirkeci, I., Mannix, R., and Bologna, L. (2010). “Who cares about research? Role of research reputation in business school marketing in England” paper presented at Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, Coventry University, 6-8 July 2010, Coventry, UK.
  47. Magnúsdóttir, L. B. and Sirkeci, I. (2010). “What may make Brits to pay for music downloading? Determinants of illegal music downloading in the UK”, paper presented at Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, Coventry University, 6-8 July 2010, Coventry, UK.
  48. Magnúsdóttir, L. B. and Sirkeci, I. (2010). “What determines illegal music downloading in the UK?” paper presented at The 32nd INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, University of Cologne, 16-19 June 2010, Cologne, Germany.
  49. Sirkeci, I., and Mannix, R. (2009). “Transnational Mobiles: A growing consumer segment”, paper presented at the Second International Conference on Social Sciences, Social Sciences Research Society, 10-11 Sept 2009, Izmir, Turkey.
  50. Sirkeci, I., Cohen, J. and Can, N. (2009). “A Comparison of Internal Mobility of Immigrants and Natives in Turkey”, paper presented in RS04: Europe and Immigration at the 9th European Sociological Association Conference, ISCTE – Lisbon University, 2-5 Sept 2009, Lisbon, Portugal. 
  51. Sirkeci, I., and Mannix, R. (2009). “A challenging segmentation task: ‘Transnationals’”, paper presented at Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, Leeds Metropolitan University, 7-10 July 2009, Leeds, UK. 
  52. Sirkeci, I. (2008). “Discussing transnational migration in a conflict perspective”, paper presented at the American Anthropological Association Annual Conference, 19-23 November 2008, San Francisco, United States,
  53. Sirkeci, I. (2008). “Reconceptualising International Migration: Levels of Conflict, Human Insecurity and Opportunity Frameworks”, paper presented at the Environment, Forced Migration & Social Vulnerability International Conference, 9-11 October 2008, Bonn, Germany,
  54. Sirkeci, I., Cohen, J.H. and Can, N. (2008). “Revisiting the internal and international migration nexus: internal mobility of foreign-born in Turkey”, paper presented at the European Population Conference 2008 (EPC 2008) “Migration and Migrants in Europe”, organised by the European Association for Population Studies (EAPS), 9-12 July 2008, Barcelona, Spain, 
  55. Sirkeci, I. (2008). “Reconceptualising international migration with a human security perspective: macro, mezzo and micro level conflicts” , paper presented at the European Population Conference 2008 (EPC 2008) “Migration and Migrants in Europe”, organised by the European Association for Population Studies (EAPS), 9-12 July 2008, Barcelona, Spain,  
  56. Sirkeci, I., and Mannix, R. (2008). “Determinants of undergraduate level business school choice in the UK: the role of research reputation”, paper presented at Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, Reflective Marketing in a Material World, Aberdeen Business School, Robert Gordon University, 7-10 July 2008, Aberdeen, UK, 
  57. Sirkeci, I., Cohen, J.H. & Can, N. (2007). A study of internal mobility of the foreign born in Turkey, paper presented at 38th ICANAS International Asia and North Africa Studies Congress (38. Uluslararasi Asya ve Kuzey Afrika Çalişmalari Kongresi), 10-15 September, 2007, Ankara, Turkey.
  58. Sirkeci, I. (2006). “Ethnic minority market potential in England and Wales”, paper presented at the Second International Conference on Business, Economics and Management, Yasar University, 15-18 June 2006, Izmir, Turkey.
  59. Khattab, N., Sirkeci, I., Modood, T., and, Johnston, R. (2006). “A multilevel analysis of returns to education in labour market among ethno-religious minorities in England and Wales”, paper presented at the European Population Conference 2006 (EPC 2006) “Population Challenges in Ageing Societies”, organised by the European Association for Population Studies (EAPS) and the Department of Geography, University of Liverpool, 21-24 June 2006, Liverpool, UK.
  60. Khattab, N., Sirkeci, I., Modood, T., and, Johnston, R. (2005). “Ethno-religion and transition from school to work in Britain”, paper presented at Stratification and Inequality Seminar, Cardiff University School of Social Sciences, 23-23 September 2005, Cardiff, UK.
  61. Sirkeci, I. (2005). “Conflict and international migration: Iraqi Turkmen in Turkey”, paper presented to IUSSP XXV International Population Conference, 18-23 July 2005, Tours de France.
  62. Cindoglu, D. and Sirkeci, I. (2005). “Recent evidence on withdrawal use in Turkey” paper presented to IUSSP XXV International Population Conference, 18-23 July 2005, Tours de France.
  63. Cindoglu, D. and Sirkeci, I. (2005). “Herstory of Modernization: Education and Sexuality Revisited” paper presented at Summer Institute on Turkey at the Crossroads: Women, Women’s Studies, and the State, organised by Towson University’s Institute for Teaching and Research on Women (ITROW) and Middle East Technical University, May 27th -June 3th, 2005, Istanbul and Bodrum, Turkey.
  64. Sirkeci, I. and Cohen, J. (2004). “Transnational migration experiences of Turks and Mexicans: impeding integration?” paper presented to World Congress on Human Movements and Immigration, by Barcelona Forum, 2nd – 5th September 2004.
  65. Cohen, J. and Sirkeci, I. (2004). “Ethnic enclaves and immigrant integration: Turkish and Mexican transnational migration experiences”, paper presented to 13th Nordic Migration Conference, November 18-20, 2004, Aalborg, Denmark.
  66. Sirkeci, I. (2002). “The Ethnic environment of insecurity as a facilitating factor in asylum migration: the Turkish case”, paper presented at UNU-WIDER Conference on Poverty, International Migration and Asylum, 27-28 September, 2002, Helsinki, Finland. Available at: /conference /conference-2002-3/ conference%20papers/sirkeci.pdf
  67. Sirkeci, I. (2001). “Ethnic conflict and international migration”, paper presented at EAPS (European Population Association) European Population Conference 2001, 6-10 June, 2001, Helsinki, Finland. Available at: /toimintayksikot /vaestontutkimuslaitos /eapskonferenssi /Papers /Theme%20E /Sirkeci%20B.pdf
  68. Sirkeci, I. (2000). “The ethnic component in the Turkish migratory regime”, paper presented at BSPS (British Society for Population Studies) and NVD (Netherlands Demographic Society) Joint Conference on Population Studies in Britain and Netherlands, 31 August – 1 September 2000, Utrecht, Netherlands.
  69. Sirkeci, I. (2000). “Diversity in unity; ethnic variants in the Turkish migratory regime”, paper presented at the First Mediterranean Social and Political Meeting, by European University Institute, 22-26 March 2000, Florence, Italy.
  70. Icduygu, A. and Sirkeci, I. (1999). “Turkish households versus Kurdish households”, paper presented at EAPS-IUSSP European Population Conference 1999, Aug. 30 – Sept. 3, 1999, The Hague, Netherlands.
  71. Cindoglu, D. and Sirkeci, I. (1999). “A story of competing variables in explaining pre-natal care in Turkey”, paper presented at EAPS-IUSSP European Population Conference 1999, Aug. 30 – Sept. 3, 1999, The Hague, Netherlands.
  72. Icduygu, A., Sirkeci, I., and Muradoglu, G. (1997). “Socio-economic development and mobility: facilitating or restricting the emigratory flows from a country – a Turkish study”, paper presented at both IUSSP Conference on International Migration at Century’s End: Trends and Issues, Barcelona, Spain, 7-10 May 1997 and EAPS Conference on European Population 1997, June 10-13, 1997, Cracow, Poland.
  73. Sirkeci, I. (1997). “One Europe, many demographies: population barrier to European integration [Tek Avrupa, pek cok demografi: Avrupa entegrasyonuna nüfus engeli]”, paper submitted to the Third National Population Conference, Hacettepe University, December, 2-5 1997, Ankara, Turkey. (in Turkish)
  74. Sirkeci, I. and Aydingun, I. (1997). “Bibliography of internal migration in Turkey [Türkiye’de içgöç kaynakçasi]”, paper presented at the History Foundation Conference on Internal Migration in Turkey, June 6-8, 1997, Bolu-Gerede, Turkey. (in Turkish)

Invited speeches, lectures, seminars, workshops, conferences

  1. Sirkeci, I. (2020). “Transnational Connected Consumers”, Invited speech delivered at the DigiCC (Digital Content Compas), organized by Jyvaskyla University, Jyvaskyla, Finland, 19 February 2020.
  2. Sirkeci, I. (2020). “Göç, Kent ve Mobilite”, Invited speech delivered at the Kapsayıcı Kent Yönetim Modeli Atölye Çalışması, organized by Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey, 3 February 2020.
  3. Sirkeci, I. (2019). “Needs and Wants: Integration of Young Immigrants”, Invited speech delivered at the International Conference on the Livelihoods and Economic Inclusion of Young Syrians Under Temporary Protection, co-organized by Community Volunteers Foundation (TOG) and Save The Children Turkey Office, Bosphorus Hilton Hotel, İstanbul, 11-12 December 2019.
  4. Sirkeci, I. (2019). “Immigration and Integration: Two-way street, off a highway and with so many alleys” keynote speech delivered at the International Mobility, Migration and Wellbeing Conference & Workshop, organized by Istanbul University and Oxford Brookes University, Beyazit Campus, Istanbul, Turkey, 11-14 December, 2019.
  5. Sirkeci, I. (2019). “Brands and markets in the 21st Century” opening and invited speeches delivered at the Leading Brands Iraq 2019 Conference and Award Ceremony, Organised by Nish Research Iraq, Rotana Hotel, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq, 8 December 2019.
  6. Sirkeci, I. (2019). “Conflict Model of Migration Development: Deficit as a key Driver” keynote speech delivered at the 2019 Annual Symposium: Flow of Productive Factors and Socioeconomic Development, Faculty of Economics and Management, Hefei University, Sino-German Economic Development and Innovation Research Center(SGEDI), Hefei, Anhui Province, China, 3-4 December 2019.
  7. Sirkeci, I. (2019). “Talking and Measuring Migration: Voluntary, Forced, Regular or Irregular”, keynote speech delivered at the 21. Yüzyilda Uluslararasi Göç Konferansi – 4, Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey, 10-11 October.
  8. Sirkeci, I. and Cohen, J.H. (2019). Session chair of “Prospects in Migration Theory: What is next?”, at RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2019, RGS, London, UK, 27-30 August 2019.
  9. Sirkeci, I. (2019). Chair of Doctoral Colloquium at the 52nd Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, Regent’s University London, UK, 1-4 July 2019.
  10. Sirkeci, I. (2019). Panelist at “Roundtable IV: Migration Policy in Italy and Beyond”, The Migration Conference 2019 held at the University of Bari, Bari, Italy, 18-20 June.
  11. Sirkeci, I. (2018). Invited speaker and panel chair, Kartepe Summit: Humanity and migration, Kocaeli, Turkey, 26-28 October.
  12. Sirkeci, I. (2018). Passport Sale or Selling a Country: Citizenship offers to Elite Customers, Keynote Speech delivered at The 3rd Taste of City: Food and Place Marketing Conference 2018, Akdeniz University, Antalya, Turkey, 4-5 October 2018.
  13. Sirkeci, I. (2018). The forced migration culture. Delivered as invited speaker at 29th Annual Arts and Culture Festival 2018, DayMer Community Centre, London, UK, 6 June-1 July.
  14. Sirkeci, I. (2018). “Social and political exclusion of migrants: Historical and comparative perspectives”, invited talk delivered at the Mobile citizens, portable rights: Social and Political Inclusion of Internal Migrants Consultation Workshop, University of York, Department of Politics, 9 May.
  15. Sirkeci, I. (2017). “Three Ds of Human Mobility”, keynote speech delivered at the 75th Year Congress of Turkish Geography Association, Ankara University, Turkey, 8-10 November.
  16. Sirkeci, I. (2017). “Why do they move? How long does migration stretch?”, invited talk delivered at International Panel on Migration in the Era of Globalisation, Baskent University, Ankara, Turkey, 8 November.
  17. Sirkeci, I. (2017). “It is all about happiness: Migration theory and practice”, invited seminar talk delivered at the Institute of Asian Studies, University Brunei Darussalaam, Brunei, 21 October.
  18. Sirkeci, I. (2017). “Entegrasyon sorunu: Yurtdisindaki Turkiyeliler ve evdeki digerleri”, keynote speech delivered at the 21. Yüzyilda Uluslararasi Göç Konferansi – 2, Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey, 10 October.
  19. Sirkeci, I. (2017). “Labour market experiences of migrant workers: employment and over-qualification”, invited talk delivered at the CDCDI International Summer School “Advocacy and Migration Policies”, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania, 24 – 28 July.
  20. Sirkeci, I. (2017). ‘Resilience of remittance prices or resistance to reducing costs’ seminar delivered in Microfinance and Ethical Finance, Faculty of Economics, University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy, 16 May, 14.00-16.00.
  21. Sirkeci, I. (2017). ‘Integration of Brits in Turkey and Turks in Britain’ seminar delivered as part of International Migration Institute Seminar Series, University of Oxford, Queen Elizabeth House, Oxford, UK, 3 May, 13.00-14.00.
  22. Sirkeci, I. (2017). ‘Integration of British Turks’ paper presented at Westminster Debate: ‘Integration of Turks in London: Lessons for Brexit Britain’, hosted by Kate Osamor, MP, Centre for Turkey Studies, House of Commons, Parliament, London, UK, 29 March, 19.00-21.00.
  23. Sirkeci, I. (2016). Suriye Savaşı ve Göç Krizi Ekseninde Türkiye’de Güvenlik Yaklaşımı, conference talk delivered at Nişantaşı University, İstanbul, Turkey, 18 November 2016, 13:30.
  24. Sirkeci, I. (2016). İnsani güvenlik ekseninde çocuklar ve göç, keynote speech delivered at the International Symposium on Migration and Children – Uluslararası Göç ve Çocuk Sempozyumu, held at Üsküdar University, İstanbul, Turkey, 17-18 November 2016.
  25. Sirkeci, I. (2016). Transnational cultural differences and similarities in four large European countries, seminar delivered as part of the Dean’s Afternoon Tea Seminars, 11.11.2016, 16:00-17:00, Regent’s University London.
  26. Sirkeci, I. (2016). War and refugees, speech delivered at Turkey after the failed coup and the battle for democracy Conference, NUT Headquarters, London, Saturday 29 October 2016.
  27. Sirkeci, I. (2016). Turkish culture and contemporary Turkey, seminar delivered as part of TURKISH 2241: Turkish Culture, Ohio State University, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, Columbus, OH, USA, 26 October 2016.
  28. Sirkeci, I. (2016). Transnational Marketing and Diaspora Market Entry, seminar delivered as part of ANTH5626 More: Culture of Economic Life (Economic Anthropology), Ohio State University, Department of Anthropology, Columbus, OH, USA, 25 October 2016.
  29. Sirkeci, I. (2016). Refugees, Migrants and the Current Crisis, seminar delivered as part of ANTH3419 Latin American Migration, Ohio State University, Department of Anthropology, Columbus, OH, USA, 25 October 2016.
  30. Sirkeci, I. (2016). Europe’s Crisis: Turkey’s Refugees and Refugees from Turkey, conference delivered at OSU Global Mobility Programme, at Mershon Center for International Security Studies, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA, 24 October 2016.
  31. Sirkeci, I. (2016). Migration discourses and scholarship, paper delivered at RCTS Panel Discussion: Migration, Employment and Remittances, Regent’s University London, 3 October 2016.
  32. Sirkeci, I. (2016). Why should we not talk about Migration anymore? keynote speech at the Movement of People, A Comparative Conference on Migration. University of Hamburg, Germany, 23 – 24 September 2016.
  33. Sirkeci, I. (2016). Transnational Response to the Global Migration Crisis, keynote speech at the 4th Turkish Migration Conference, University of Vienna, Austria, 12-15 July.
  34. Sirkeci, I. (2016). Turkey’s Migration Challenge: Syrians and Others, keynote speech delivered at the 3rd Interdisciplinary Conference on Social Protest. Multidisciplinary Approaches to Social Change, Protest, and Political Mobilisation held at the University of Cambridge, 9-10th June, Cambridge, UK.
  35. Sirkeci, I. (2016). 3Ds of Human Mobility, keynote speech delivered at the UNESCO International Forum Art in Transit. Mexico City, Mexico, 9-11 May.
  36. Sirkeci, I. (2016). Avrupa Göç Rejiminin Bir Parçası Olarak Türkiye’de Göç Yönetimi: Göç Yönetiminde 3K (3Ds of Migration Management) invited talk delivered at the TASAM – Türkiye’de Göç Konferansi: “Göç Veren Ülkeden Göç Alan Ülkeye Fırsat ve Risklerin Dönüşümü”, Pullman İstanbul Otel, Istanbul, Turkey, 20-22 April.
  37. Sirkeci, I. (2016). Migration Crisis, Conflict and Syrians, seminar delivered at the ROR-N Lectures, Institute for Social Anthropology, Austrian Academy of Sciences & University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 4 March.
  38. Sirkeci, I. (2016). Transnational Connected Consumers and Transnational Market Entry, Guest Lecture in Advanced Marketing Seminar Series 2015-16, Department of Organisation Studies, University of Exeter Business School, UK, 11 March.
  39. Sirkeci, I. (2016). Transnationals: the era of connected consumers, guest lecture in Contemporary Issues in Marketing, University of Bournemouth Business School, UK, 22 February.
  40. Sirkeci, I. (2016). International Population Movements – Uluslararası Nüfus Hareketleri, keynote speech delivered at the International Seasonal Agricultural Migration in Turkey Project: Situation Analysis, Policy Recommendations and Cooperation with European Union Countries, Ankara, Turkey, 9 February.
  41. Sirkeci, I. (2016). Cost of Syrian Refugee Crisis: Social, Economic and Political Benefits and Burden, invited talk delivered at the CEFTUS Westminster Debate hosted by Yvette Cooper, MP, and Centre for Turkey Studies, House of Commons, Houses of Parliament, London, UK.
  42. Sirkeci, I. (2015). Population and Migration issues in Europe and the UK, invited talk at Ad Hoc Council – The European Government Business Relations Council Meeting, Regent’s University London, London, UK, 20 October.
  43. Sirkeci, I. (2015). Syrian refugees and demographic patterns, invited talk at Symposium on Refugees or migrants and the Syrian crisis, College of Wooster, Collaborative Research Environment, Wooster, Ohio, USA, 29 September 2015.
  44. Sirkeci, I. (2015). Transnational Money Transfer Marketing and Marketing to Movers, invited keynote speech at International Money Transfer Conference EMEA 2015, Conrad Hotel, Besiktas, Istanbul, Turkey, 25-27 May.
  45. Sirkeci, I. & Velázquez, Salvador (2015). Cultural Differences and Remittances Business Roundtable, co-presented at International Money Transfer Conference EMEA 2015, Conrad Hotel, Besiktas, Istanbul, Turkey, 25-27 May.
  46. Sirkeci, I., Tilbe, F., Svensson, T. (2015). Irregular (informal) Remittances and Irregular Movements, invited paper presented at International Money Transfer Conference EMEA 2015, Conrad Hotel, Besiktas, Istanbul, Turkey, 25-27 May.
  47. Sirkeci, I. (2015). Uluslararası Göç ve Göçmen Entegrasyonu: İngiltere örneği, invited speech at 18th Sociology Days, Mugla Sitki Kocman University, Turkey, 6-8 May.
  48. Sirkeci, I. (2015). Migration and conflict in the Middle East, invited speech at ORMER Conference, Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey, 10 April 2015.
  49. Sirkeci, I. (2015). Transnational Marketing and Transnational Consumers, invited speech at the 4th Innovative Brands Summit, Istanbul, Turkey, 9 April 2015.
  50. Sirkeci, I. & Yucesahin, M.M. (2015). Estimating the Cost of Human Mobility in Conflict: Syrians in Turkey, invited paper presented at Jean Monnet Conference on Asylum in the European Union and Turkey and The Syrian Asylum Seekers, Istanbul Bahcesehir University, Beşiktaş, Turkey, 3 April 2015.
  51. Sirkeci, I. (2015). Küreselleşmenin Sonu: Ulusötesi Pazarlama ve Ulusötesi Tüketiciler [Globalisation is over: Transnational Marketing and Transnational Consumers], invited Public Conference at Trakya University Department of Finance, Edirne, Turkey, 2 April 2015.
  52. Sirkeci, I. (2015). Transnational Marketing and Connected Consumers, invited postgraduate seminar at Exeter University Business School, Exeter, UK, 13 March 2015.
  53. Sirkeci, I. (2015). Conflict and population movements in the Middle East: Violence and mobility. Invited speech at Istanbul Conference on Peace in the Middle East: Impact of the War on Women and Children, Istanbul Aydin University, Turkey, 25-26 February 2015.
  54. Sirkeci, I. (2015). Rethinking Migration Theory in the Turkey-Syria Nexus. Invited speech at European Week at Yasar University, Izmir, Turkey, 2 March 2015.
  55. Sirkeci, I. (2015). Ortadoğu ve Göç Olgusu [Middle East and Migration]. Invited Speech at Turkiye’ye Yonelik Kitlesel Nufus Hareketleri Calistayi [Workshop on Mass Population Movements to Turkey], Celal Bayar University, Centre for Population and Migration Research, Manisa, Turkey, 2 March 2015.
  56. Sirkeci, I. & Acık, N. (2015). Eastern European Transnational Mobile Workers in the UK. Invited paper at Current Trends in Public Sector Research Conference, 22-23 January 2015, Masaryk University, Šlapanice, Czech Republic.
  57. Sirkeci, I. (2015). Conflict model of migration and cultures of human mobility. Invited Public Lecture at Masaryk University, Faculty of Economics, Brno, Czech Republic, 23 January 2015.
  58. Sirkeci, I.  (2014). Yeni kusak göç kuramları. Invited keynote speech at TUCAUM Turkish Geography Symposium, Ankara University, Turkey, 24-25 October 2014.
  59. Sirkeci, I. (2014). Culture of Migration with a conflict perspective: the Turkish case. London School of Economics, Population Brown Bag Seminars, London, UK, 3 December 2014.
  60. Sirkeci, I. (2014). Hareketlilik, Çatışma ve Göç Kültürü. TODAİE, Turkey and Middle East Public Administration Institute Wednesday Seminars. Ankara, Turkey, 19 November 2014.
  61. Sirkeci, I.  (2014). Türkiye’nin uluslararası göç istatistiklerinin geliştirilmesi [Improving Turkey’s international migration statistics]. Staff Seminar, Turkish Statistics Institute, Ankara, Turkey, 27 August 2014.
  62. Sirkeci, I.  (2013). Uluslararası göç istatistik gereksinimleri, pratikler ve sorunlar [International migration statistics needs and practices and challenges]. Official Statistics Programme Seminar, Turkish Statistics Institute, Ankara, Turkey, 19 December 2013.
  63. Sirkeci, I.  (2013). Cultures of migration and the conflict model. Postgraduate and Staff Seminar, Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, Ankara, Turkey, 19 December 2013.
  64. Sirkeci, I.  (2013). Cultures of migration and the conflict model. Postgraduate and Staff Seminar, TODAIE, Ankara, Turkey, 18 December 2013.
  65. Sirkeci, I.  (2013). Transnational marketing and connected consumers. MSc in Marketing programme guest lecture, University of Exeter, UK, 18 November 2013.
  66. Sirkeci, I. (2013). Conflict model and cultures of migration. Guest lecture delivered at Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 11 Nov.
  67. Sirkeci, I. (2013). Conflict model and economics of migration. Guest lecture delivered at RACL, Regent’s University London, UK, 6 Nov.
  68. Sirkeci, I. (2013). Transnational marketing of higher education. Paper presented at Erasmus internship Consortia Meeting, organised by ProAlv, Portuguese Agencia National, Porto, Portugal, 29-31 Oct.
  69. Sirkeci, I. (2013). Conflicts, environment of insecurity and human mobility: the case of Turkmen in Iraq. Paper delivered at hearing organised by the UNPO, United Nations, Palais de Nations, Geneva, Switzerland, 20 September.
  70. Sirkeci, I. (2013). The marketing of higher education: mobility and transnational marketing. Paper presented at Culture for All: Mobility, Creative Economy and Entrepreneurship Conference organised by ProAlv, Portuguese Agencia National, Lusíada University, Lisbon, Portugal, 26-28 June.
  71. Sirkeci, I. (2013). Invited panellist at Roundtable discussion on “Park Protests? Turkey’s New Pattern of Demonstrations”, held at Faculty of HSPS, University of Cambridge, June 14, 2.30 pm.
  72. Sirkeci, I. (2013). Göç Veren Ülkeden Göç Ülkesine: Avrupa’dan Türkiye’ye Göçler. Paper presented at Vatandaslik ve Yabancilar Hukukunda Guncel Gelismeler Konferansi, Yeditepe University, Faculty of Law, Istanbul, Turkey, 13 April.
  73. Sirkeci, I. and Zeyneloglu, S. (2013). Reversal of fortune: German immigrants in Turkey. Paper presented at the symposium: Migration, Islam and Multiculturalism in Europe, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, 11-12 April.
  74. Sirkeci, I.  and Esipova, N. (2012). Desire to migrate from and to Turkey, 2009-2011. Turkish Migration in Europe: Projecting the Next 50 Years Conference, Regent’s College London, UK, 7-9 December.
  75. Sirkeci, I.  (2012). Transnational marketing for transnational consumers. MSc in Marketing programme guest lecture, University of Exeter, UK, 26 October 2012.
  76. Sirkeci, I.  (2012). Managing labour migration in time of economic growth and crisis. Invited paper, International Seminar on Challenges of Irregular Labour Migration: A regional approach towards sustainable strategies. IOM, Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Turkish Ministry of Interior, Ankara, Turkey, 19-20 September 2012.
  77. Sirkeci, I.  (2012). Urban segregation, refugees and Typologies. Invited paper, UNHCR Turkey 3rd Academic Network Seminar on Turkey’s experience with urban refugees: Modalities and future perspectives, Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey, 15-16 May 2012.
  78. Sirkeci, I.  (2012). Conceptualising migration: Conflict and transnational mobility. Invited talk, Gaziantep University Immigration Symposium, Gaziantep, Turkey, 11-13 May 2012.
  79. Sirkeci, I.  (2011). “On Environment of Human Insecurity and Iraqi Turkmen Emigration”, invited speech delivered at European Parliament, Human Rights Subcommittee, Brussels, Belgium, 5th December 2011, 4pm – 5pm.
  80. Sirkeci, I. (2011). “Role of research reputation in business school choice: Student perspectives” paper presented at the Learning Teaching Forum, Regent’s College, London, UK, 17 May 2011.
  81. Sirkeci, I. (2011). “Understanding five decades of migration from Turkey to Germany”, paper presented at the Migration and Development: Comparing Mexico-US and Turkey-Western Europe conference held at University of California, Davis, Department of Agriculture and Resource Economics, 6 May 2011, Davis, California, US.
  82. Sirkeci, I. (2011). Invited speaker: “Cultures of migration: Conflicts, non-movers, and households”, seminar given at the University of Warwick, Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations, Coventry, UK, 8 March 2011.
  83. Sirkeci, I. and Cohen, J. H. (2010). Invited panellist: “Understanding Global Migrations from a Human Security Perspective: Violence count and migration flows between Turkey, Pakistan, Germany and the UK”, at the World Universities Conference, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, 20-24 October 2010, Canakkale, Turkey,
  84. Sirkeci, I. (2010). Invited keynote speaker: “Transnasyonal Pazarlama ve Olasılıklar [Transnational Marketing and Prospects”, at the 3. Yönetim ve Ekonomi Bilimleri Konferansı [Management and Economic Sciences Conference], Social Sciences Research Society, 9-10 October 2010, Kusadasi, Izmir, Turkey,
  85. Sirkeci, I. (2010). Invited keynote speaker: “Conflict and Cultures of Migration”, at the Third International Conference on Social Sciences, Social Sciences Research Society, 8-9 October 2010, Kusadasi, Izmir, Turkey,
  86. Sirkeci, I. (2010). Invited panellist: “Diasporas from Turkey: Transnational space between the Turkish and Kurdish”, paper presented at BSA Theory Study Group Symposium on “Understanding Diaspora: The Case of Kurds in London”, organised in association with the Department of Sociology, University of Leicester, 14 May 2010, Leicester, UK.
  87. Sirkeci, I. (2010). Invited panellist at Studying Further Panel organised by Network of Students and Imperial College Turkish Society, 28 February 2010, Covent Garden, London, UK,
  88. Sirkeci, I. (2009). Invited speaker: “A Conflict Model for Transnational Migration: Evidence from Europe”, paper presented at the Conference on Security, Insecurity and Migration in Europe, University of Leicester, 18-19 September 2009, Leicester, UK.
  89. Sirkeci, I. (2009). Invited speaker for the Workshop on Impacts of imported inter-group conflicts on western nations, at the 14th International Metropolis Conference, 14-18 Sept 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark,
  90. Sirkeci, I. (2009). “Migration, human security, identity”, paper presented at the TIES-RTN Worksop All About (Turkish) Migrations and Identity, Kadir Has University, 26-28 February 2009, Istanbul, Turkey.
  91. Khattab, N., Sirkeci, I., Modood, T., and, Johnston, R. (2008). “Bangladeshi residential enclaves and employment outcomes amongst men and women in England and Wales”, paper presented at the Post-Immigration Minorities, Religion and National Identities Conference organised by University of Bristol and University College London, Ramada Plaza Hotel, 14-15 November 2008, Bristol, UK.
  92. Khattab, N., Sirkeci, I., Modood, T., and, Johnston, R. (2008). “Economic activity in the South Asian population in Britain: the impact of ethnicity, religion and class”, paper presented at the Mobility in International Labour Markets Conference, organised by Leverhulme Programme on Migration and Citizenship, University College London, 15 – 16 May 2008, London, UK.
  93. Sirkeci, I. (2008). “Human Insecurity in Iraq: Emigration in the aftermath of 2003”, invited paper presented at EU FP6 Project – GLOMIG International Dissemination Conference: Global Migration: New Dynamics, Strategies, and Visions in the EU and its Neighborhood, held at the Centre for Black Sea and Central Asia (KORA), Middle East Technical University, February 29 – March 1, 2008, Ankara, Turkey.
  94. Sirkeci, I. (2008). Invited expert at GLOMIG (Global Migration from the Eastern Mediterranean and Eurasia: Security and Human Rights Challenges to Europe) Fourth Expert Workshop on “Migration Politics: Prospects of Institutional Co-operation and Dialogue”, The Berlin Institute for Comparative Social Research (BIVS), 16 February 2008, Berlin, Germany.
  95. Sirkeci, I. (2008). Invited discussant at GLOMIG (Global Migration from the Eastern Mediterranean and Eurasia: Security and Human Rights Challenges to Europe) Third Workshop, Centre for Black Sea and Central Asia, Middle East Technical University, 17-20 January 2008, Ankara, Turkey.
  96. Sirkeci, I. (2007). Salzburg Seminar, Session 440 “Immigration and Inclusion: Rethinking National Identity” by Salzburg Global Seminar, March 27 – April 1, 2007, Salzburg, Austria.
  97. Khattab, N., Sirkeci, I., Modood, T., and, Johnston, R. (2006). “Residential segregation and ethno-religious differences in occupational attainment in Britain”, paper presented at the Multicultural Britain: From Anti-Racism to Identity Politics to …?, organised by Centre for Research on Nationalism, Ethnicity and Multiculturalism, Roehampton University, Southlands College, 14 – 15 June 2006, London, UK.
  98. Khattab, N., Sirkeci, I., Modood, T., and, Johnston, R. (2006). “The impact of residential segregation and ethnoreligious background on transition from school to work in Britain: A multilevel model”, paper presented at Mobility, Ethnicity & Society Conference by Leverhulme Programme on Migration and Citizenship, University of Bristol, 16-17 March 2006, Bristol, UK.
  99. Sirkeci, I. (2006). “Conflict, Migration, Ethnic Minorities and Transnationalism: Turkish and Kurdish Migrations”, invited lecture at the Mershon Center for International Security Studies, the Ohio State University, co-sponsored by the Department of Anthropology, Department of Geography, Middle East Studies Center, Clusters of Interdisciplinary Research on International Themes (CIRIT), and Initiative in Population Research, 7 November 2006, Columbus, Ohio, USA.
  100. Sirkeci, I. (2006). “Forced Migration of Ethnic Minorities and Transnationalism: Turkish and Kurdish Immigrants”, invited seminar presentation at the Initiative in Population Research, the Ohio State University, 7 November 2006, Columbus, Ohio, USA.
  101. Sirkeci, I. (2006). “War in Iraq: Environment of Insecurity and International Migration”, invited roundtable discussion at the Department of Geography, the Ohio State University, 6 November 2006, Columbus, Ohio, USA.
  102. Sirkeci, I. (2006). “Conflict Perspective and Environment of Insecurity in Conceptualisation of International Migration”, invited paper presented at Migration and Human Security Conference, Harokopio University, 26 October 2006, Athens, Greece.
  103. Sirkeci, I. (2006). “Migration of Iraqi Turkmen: Impacts on Turkey, Iraq and Turkmen”, invited paper presented at Migration Movements in Conflict Zones Conference organized by Global Strategy Institute, 16 August 2006, Neva Palas Hotel, Ankara, Turkey.
  104. Sirkeci, I. (2005). “Global efforts to control versus individual challenges to break in: transformation of international migration in Turkish and Iraqi cases”, invited paper presented at the First International Migration Symposium, Zeytinburnu Municipality, 8-11 December 2005, Istanbul, Turkey.
  105. Sirkeci, I. (2005). “Measuring returns on education in employment in England and Wales”, presented at the Learning Teaching, Research and Consultancy Committee Project Presentations, European Business School London, 30 November 2005, London, UK.
  106. Sirkeci, I. (2004). “Differences among Turkish Kurdish migrants in Cologne: latecomers versus guest workers” paper presented at international conference on Turkish migrations, from Brittany to Europe, the weight of “local”, Université de Haute-Bretagne Rennes II, CERIEM 23-25 September, 2004, Rennes, France.

Wider Impact and Popular Publications

Weekly Newspaper Column (2008-2020): Birgun

Sirkeci, I. (2019, 11 Nov.). Seçim kampanyasında ilk hafta: Sınıf 1, Kimlik 0, BirGün, Daily Newspaper

Sirkeci, I. (2019, 3 Nov.). Brexit dehlizinde erken genel seçim, BirGün, Daily Newspaper

Sirkeci, I. (2019, 27 Oct.). Essex’te Tır’ın içinde ölü bulunan 39 göçmen, BirGün, Daily Newspaper

Sirkeci, I. (2019, 26 Sept.). Jeremy Corbyn’in Sosyalist İşçi Partisi, BirGün, Daily Newspaper

Sirkeci, I. (2019, 16 Sept.). Corbyn düşmanlığı, BirGün, Daily Newspaper

Sirkeci, I. (2019, 5 Sept.). Brexit depremi veya cadı kazanı, BirGün, Daily Newspaper

Sirkeci, I. (2019, 2 Sept.). İrlanda’dan çıkış, BirGün, Daily Newspaper

Sirkeci, I. (2019, 26 Aug.). Brexit ve buhran, BirGün, Daily Newspaper

Sirkeci, I. (2019, 15 July). Trump, benzerleri ve Aşkın Partisi, BirGün, Daily Newspaper

Sirkeci, I. (2019, 8 July). Tilki avından yola çıktık, BirGün, Daily Newspaper

Sirkeci, I. (2019, 1 July). Vicdan ve suç, BirGün, Daily Newspaper

Sirkeci, I. (2019, 17 June). Kaygı ve belirsizlik, BirGün, Daily Newspaper

Sirkeci, I. (2019, 3 June). Yolsuzluk, hırsızlık ve seçimler, BirGün, Daily Newspaper

Sirkeci, I. (2019, 20 May). Brexit ve seçmen protestosu, BirGün, Daily Newspaper

Sirkeci, I. (2019, 15 Apr.). Seçimlerden göçmenlerle dayanışmaya, BirGün, Daily Newspaper

Sirkeci, I. (2019, 25 Feb.). Bağımsızların şansı, BirGün, Daily Newspaper

Sirkeci, I. (2019, 7 Jan.). Korku imparatorluğu, BirGün, Daily Newspaper

Sirkeci, I. (2018, 31 Dec.). Tersine Meşrutiyet, BirGün, Daily Newspaper

Sirkeci, I. (2018, 24 Dec.). Ayrı Cehennemlerde 2019, BirGün, Daily Newspaper

Sirkeci, I. (2018, 10 Dec.). İngiltere’de derinleşen yoksulluk, BirGün, Daily Newspaper

Sirkeci, I. (2018, 26 Nov.). Popülizm ve milli irade yalanı, BirGün, Daily Newspaper

Sirkeci, I. (2018, 19 Nov.). İkinci bir referandum ve yeni bir hükümet, BirGün, Daily Newspaper

Sirkeci, I. (2018, 17 Nov.). Kimseyi mutlu etmeyen AB ‘anlaşması’, BirGün, Daily Newspaper

Sirkeci, I. (2018, 12 Nov.). İhtiyaç duyulan sol popülizm mi? , BirGün, Daily Newspaper

Sirkeci, I. (2018, 5 Nov.). Blair geri mi dönüyor? , BirGün, Daily Newspaper

Sirkeci, I. (2018, 30 Oct.). Mülteci ve yabancı düşmanlığına karşı şeffaflık ve eğitim, BirGün, Daily Newspaper

Sirkeci, I. (2018, 22 Oct.). Brexit ve eşitsiz oylar, BirGün, Daily Newspaper

Sirkeci, I. (2018, 15 Oct.). AB’den çıkmak ya da çık(a)mamak, BirGün, Daily Newspaper

Sirkeci, I. (2018, 1 Oct.). Tarımda çocuk işçiliği artıyor, BirGün, Daily Newspaper

Sirkeci, I. (2018, 24 Sept.). Yurtdışına gönderdik başımıza bela oldular, BirGün, Daily Newspaper

Sirkeci, I. (2018). Yerli Malı Haftası, BirGün, Daily Newspaper, 2018.09.17 07:42

Sirkeci, I. (2018). Türkler nereye?, BirGün, Daily Newspaper, 2018.09.10 08:23

Sirkeci, I. (2018). Anti-semitizm başka ayrımcılıkları döver mi?, BirGün, Daily Newspaper, .2018.09.03 07:56

Sirkeci, I. (2018). Amerikan boykotu..2018.08.20 09:48

Sirkeci, I. (2018). Amerika’yı protesto etmek, BirGün, Daily Newspaper, 2018.08.13 08:53

Sirkeci, I. (2018). Üniversite giriş sınavı ortalamaları, BirGün, Daily Newspaper, 2018.08.06 08:55

Sirkeci, I. (2018). Freelonya’da karikatür davası, BirGün, Daily Newspaper, 2018.07.23 08:05

Sirkeci, I. (2018). İslamofobi ve nefret suçları, BirGün, Daily Newspaper, 2018.07.09 07:59

Sirkeci, I. (2018). Dünyada seçim cinayetleri ve Suruç, BirGün, Daily Newspaper, 2018.06.18 08:32

Sirkeci, I. (2018). Üç istibdat döneminde geçen çocukluğum, BirGün, Daily Newspaper, 2018.06.11 08:37

Sirkeci, I. (2018). Suriyelileri geri göndermek, BirGün, Daily Newspaper, 2018.06.04 08:44

Sirkeci, I. (2018). Haziran seçimlerinde ne olmaz?, BirGün, Daily Newspaper, 2018.05.28 08:48

Sirkeci, I. (2018). Sağ, sol ve seçim, BirGün, Daily Newspaper, 2018.05.07 08:24

Sirkeci, I. (2018). Demokrasiyi engellemek, BirGün, Daily Newspaper, 2018.04.23 08:15

Sirkeci, I. (2018). Yoksulluğu azaltmak mümkün mü?, BirGün, Daily Newspaper, 2018.04.09 08:21

Sirkeci, I. (2018). Salisbury’de patlayan Rus krizi: May’in çıkmazı ve küçülen Büyük Britanya, BirGün, Daily Newspaper, 2018.04.01 09:08

Sirkeci, I. (2018). Yaz saati uygulaması, BirGün, Daily Newspaper, 2018.03.26 08:05

Sirkeci, I. (2018). “Diktatöre Mektup”, BirGün, Daily Newspaper, 2018.03.19 11:19

Sirkeci, I. (2018). AB’den çıkış seçimi, BirGün, Daily Newspaper, 2018.03.05 08:32

Sirkeci, I. (2018). Çocuklar için, BirGün, Daily Newspaper, 2018.02.26 07:51

Sirkeci, I. (2018). Bay Antonio’nun Birleşmiş Milletleri, BirGün, Daily Newspaper, 2018.01.15 07:49

Sirkeci, I. (2018). Londra’dan kaçış, BirGün, Daily Newspaper, 2018.01.08 08:06

Sirkeci, I. (2018). Yeni yıl: 1 Ocak mı, 21 Mart mı?, BirGün, Daily Newspaper, 2018.01.02 09:11

Sirkeci, I. (2017). Bizi paramız için seviyorlar, BirGün, Daily Newspaper, 2017.12.25 08:25

Sirkeci, I. (2017). Mugabe’nin 21 stratejisi, BirGün, Daily Newspaper, 2017.12.11 07:56

Sirkeci, I. (2017). Alfabe veya ‘Arap’ sorununa doğru, BirGün, Daily Newspaper, 2017.11.20 08:14

Sirkeci, I. (2017). Göç ve 3KA, BirGün, Daily Newspaper, 2017.11.06 08:10

Sirkeci, I. (2017). Sınıflı toplum, BirGün, Daily Newspaper, 2017.10.23 08:17

Sirkeci, I. (2017). Türkiyeli sığınmacılar, BirGün, Daily Newspaper, 2017.10.16 08:32

Sirkeci, I. (2017, 2 Oct.). Türkiye’nin milli sporu: Komplo teorileri, BirGün, Daily Newspaper

Sirkeci, I. (2017). Tehlikeli alakalar ve terörde seçicilik, BirGün, Daily Newspaper, 2017.09.18 07:53

Sirkeci, I. (2017). Göçmen hapishaneleri, BirGün, Daily Newspaper, 2017.09.11 07:56

Sirkeci, I. (2017). 100 ml sıvıda fırtına koparmak, BirGün, Daily Newspaper, 2017.08.07 08:14

Sirkeci, I. (2017, 31 July). Bedelli askerlik, BirGün, Daily Newspaper

Sirkeci, I. (2017). Kutlamaların ardından, BirGün, Daily Newspaper, 2017.07.24 08:37

Sirkeci, I. (2017). Demokrasiyi kutlamak, BirGün, Daily Newspaper, 2017.07.17 08:01

Sirkeci, I. (2017, 3 July). Yürümenin anlamı, BirGün, Daily Newspaper

Sirkeci, I. (2017, 26 June). Kentsel dönüşüm ve Grenfell gökdeleni, BirGün, Daily Newspaper

Sirkeci, I. (2015, 16 June). 7 Haziran seçimlerinde kadınların tercihi. BirGün,

Sirkeci, I. (2015, 9 June). Daha demokratik, daha az otokratik Türkiye. BirGün,

Sirkeci, I. (2015, 26 May). Demokrasi meselesi. BirGün,

Sirkeci, I. (2015, 10 May). İngilizlerin seçimi. BirGün,

Sirkeci, I. (2015, 12 April). CHP-HDP: Durun siz kardeşsiniz. BirGün,

Sirkeci, I. (2015, 4 Jan.). Katakulli demokrasisi. BirGün,

Sirkeci, I. (2014, 7 Dec.). Göç etme özgürlüğü. BirGün,

Sirkeci, I. (2014, 21 Sept.). Bağımsız İskoçya yerine özerk İngiltere verelim. BirGün,

Sirkeci, I. (2014, 14 Sept.). İskoç gambiti. BirGün,

Sirkeci, I. (2014, 21 July). Cumhurbaşkanı seçimsizliği. BirGün,

Sirkeci, I. (2014, 9 March). CHP ve BDP’den sosyal demokrat iktidar olur mu? BirGün,

Sirkeci, I. (2014, 25 Feb.). Güliver’in banka bonusları, BirGün,–banka-bonuslari-2037.html.

Sirkeci, I. (2014, 29 Jan.). Eğitim şart!, BirGün,

Sirkeci, I. (2013, 15 Dec.). Vize serbestliği ve geri kabul anlaşması, BirGün,

Sirkeci, I. (2013, 10 Dec.). Esad mı, Esed mi? Kimin zaferi? BirGün,

Sirkeci, I. (2013, 3 Dec.), Suriye’de Kürt özerkliği, BirGün,

Sirkeci, I. (2013, 25 Aug.), Kadınlar Partisi, BirGün,

Sirkeci, I. (2013, 21 July.), İngiltere’deki dış mihrakların Türk demokrasisi aşkı, BirGün,

Media appearances

  1. Sirkeci, I. (2019, 4 April). “Göç piyangolaştırılıyor”. Interviewed by Murat Şevki Çoban for K24, T24 Independent News Portal, Istanbul, Turkey.,2242.
  2. Sirkeci, I. (2019, 14 March). “Cover Story: Turchia: fuggire o restare?”. Interviewed by di Monica Ricci Sargentini for Corriere Della Sera, Italy.
  3. Sirkeci, I. (2019, 10 Jan.). “İngiltere’de de derinleşen bir ekonomik krizin varlığını düşünürsek…” Interviewed by Faruk Eskioglu for Olay Gazetesi, London, UK.
  4. Sirkeci, I. (2019, 4 Jan.) New York Times interview republished “Abwanderung könnte Türkei um Jahrzehnte zurückwerfen” by Thomas Pany in Heise online in Germany.
  5. Sirkeci, I. (2019, 4 Jan.) New York Times interview republished “نيويورك تايمز”: تركيا في طريقها للانهيار وما هو أسوأ تحت “أردوغان”؟ in Sabq Online Newspaper in Saudi Arabia.
  6. Sirkeci, I. (2019, 3 Jan.) New York Times interview republished “NYT: Erdoğan’ın vizyonu, sermaye ve yetenek kaçışına yol açtı” by Faruk Eskioglu in Acik Gazete, online news portal in the UK. 
  7. Sirkeci, I. (2019, 2 January). “Spurning Erdogan’s Vision, Turks Leave in Droves, Draining Money and Talent “. Interviewed by Carlotta Gal, New York Times.
  8. Sirkeci, I. (2018, 27 Feb.) “Çocuklar için” Acik Gazete, online news portal in the UK.
  9. Sirkeci, I. (2017, 27 November; 12:00). “Turkey says Trump must keep pledge on not arming YPG”. Recorded interview by Matthew Ayton for Radio Sputnik UK, Edinburgh, UK.
  10. Sirkeci, I. (2017, 2 October; 13:30). On: “President Erdogan says Turkey no longer needs EU membership”. Recorded interview by Dan Rowell for Radio Sputnik UK, Edinburgh, UK.
  11. Sirkeci, I. (2017, 15 Sept.). Dr. Sirkeci: Göçmen politikaları trajediyi büyütüyor. Interviewed by Faruk Eskioglu for Olay Gazetesi, London, UK.
  12. Sirkeci, I. (2017, 9 August; 12:50). Turkey begins building border wall with Iran. Live interviewed by Matthew Ayton for World in Focus at Radio Sputnik UK, Edinburgh, UK.
  13. Sirkeci, I. (2017, 27 April; 19:00). Turkish Referendum. TV debate, TELE1 London.
  14. Sirkeci, I. (2017, 27 April; 13:00). Erdogan warns Turkey ready to walk away from the EU. Live interviewed by Matt Ayton at Sputnik Radio in Edinburgh.
  15. Sirkeci, I. (2017, 14 January; 14:10). Constitutional changes proposed in Turkey. Live interviewed by Jay Johnson at Sputnik News Radio English World Service, Moscow.
  16. Sirkeci, I. (2017, 3 January). Expurgo após golpe deixa Turquia vulnerável a terror. Interviewed by Diogo Bercito, Folha de São Paulo, Brazil (Portuguese).   
  17. Sirkeci, I. (2016, 16 Nov). A Chat with Ibrahim Sirkeci on migration. Interviewed By Jeffrey H. Cohen and Lisa Beiswenger, for The Global Mobility Project, Ohio State University. also on
  18. Sirkeci, I. (2016, 7 November; 11:01). Arrests of Pro-Kurdish MPs in Turkey ‘Crackdown on All Opposition’. Live interviewed by Jay Johnson at Sputnik News Radio English World Service, Moscow.
  19. Sirkeci, I. (2016, 31 October). The Folha de São Paulo interview mentioned in (Portuguese).
  20. Sirkeci, I. (2016, 22 October). Escalada totalitária e fuga de cérebros assombram Turquia de Erdogan. Interviewed by Diogo Bercito, Folha de São Paulo, Brazil (Portuguese).  
  21. Sirkeci, I. (2016, 29 September). Voting by the feet, coup and brain drain from Turkey. Interviewed by Tennery Taylor Norton for Top of Mind with Julie Rose programme, BYOradio, Brigham Young University Radio.
  22. Sirkeci, I. (2016, 28 September). Purge in Turkey intensifies brain drain. Interviewed by Selin Bucak, Financial Times.  
  23. Sirkeci, I. (2016, 26 September). On UN migration Summit, New York. Interviewed by Keri Philips for Rear View programme, ABC Radio National,
  24. Sirkeci, I. (2016, 25 September; 16:00). Hungarian PM suggestion of refugee camp Libya. Live interviewed by Jay Johnson at Sputnik News Radio English World Service, Moscow.
  25. Sirkeci, I. (2016, 16 September). London newspaper forced to shut as Erdogan allies seek vengeance. Interviewed by Dominic Kennedy, The Times.
  26. Sirkeci, I. (2016, 16 September). The Times interview mentioned in BBC news (Turkish).
  27. Sirkeci, I. (2016, 16 September). The Times interview mentioned in soL, Haber Portalı.
  28. Sirkeci, I. (2016, 16 September). The Times interview mentioned in Avrupa Gazete.
  29. Cohen, J. & Sirkeci, I. (2016, 26 August). Failed coup in Turkey means thousands are voting with their feet. The Conversation.  
  30. Sirkeci, I. and Cohen, J.H. (2016, 25 August). Associated Press, Big Story reprinted Failed coup in Turkey means thousands are voting with their feet.
  31. Sirkeci, I. and Cohen, J.H. (2016, 15 August). 65.3 million fled homes in 2015: Is the world not a safe place anymore? Data Driven Journalism, News and Analysis.
  32. Cohen, J. & Sirkeci, I. (2016, 1 August). A record 65.3 million people were displaced last year: What does that number actually mean? The Conversation.
  33. Sirkeci, I. (2016, 15 July). Prof.Dr. İbrahim Sirkeci İle Söyleşi: Türk Göç Konferansları ve Türkiye’de Göç Araştırmaları. Interviewed by Oguzhan Demir, Global Politika ve Strateji.
  34. Sirkeci, I. (2016, 13 July). Viyana’da “2016 Türk Göç Konferansı” mentioned in Londra Gazete.
  35. Sirkeci, I. (2016, 13 July). Interviewed by Hasan Tosun for Anatolian Agency, Turkish official news agency, on Turkish Migration and Europe’s refugee crisis.
  36. Sirkeci, I. (2016, 23 May). Britain’s EU Debate Heats Up Over Turkey Immigration Fears. By Henry Ridgwell, Voice of America. Video:, Text:
  37. Sirkeci, I. (2016, 24 May). Interviewed by Emma Lawson live by Monocle 24 Radio, The Globalist news programme, Episode 1192, at 7am on Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul.
  38. Sirkeci, I. (2016, 20 March). Türk Prof: Kürtler savaş misyonunu pazarlayamıyor! Interviewed by Mahmut Karagöz, Rudaw News.
  39. Sirkeci, I. and Tilbe, F. (2016, 2 March). Would investing in financial literacy help reducing the use of informal channels? World Bank, PeopleMove Blog by Dilip Ratha,
  40. Sirkeci, I. (2016, 8 February). İngiltere’de Suriyeli Mülteci Tartışması. By Şükrü Bolat, Voice of America (Turkish).
  41. Sirkeci, I. (2016, 3 February). Suriyeli mülteciler, ekonomik katkı sağlayacak.Londra Gazete.
  42. Sirkeci, I. (2016, 19 January). Live interview by Al Jazeera TV on prime time news: conflict and Kurdish question in Turkey.
  43. Sirkeci, I. (2016, 2 January). Prof Dr Petra Bendel ve Prof Dr İbrahim Sirkeci CEFTUS’un konukları.Londra Gazete.
  44. Sirkeci, I. (2015, 19 November). Live interview by Al Jazeera TV on prime time news: Immigration to Turkey and high-skilled movers.
  45. Sirkeci, I. (2015, 18 November). Interviewed by Abdullah Yavuz Altun for Todays Zaman, (daily nationwide newspaper in Turkey): Syrian refugees and Turkish government’s action plan.
  46. Sirkeci, I. (2015, 13 October). Interviewed by Faruk Eskioğlu: – 12/10/2015 Acik Gazete and Olay Gazetesi: “Suriyeli göçmenlere tek çözüm: Ulus Ötesi Barış Projesi”, &
  47. Sirkeci, I. (2015, 4 October). Interviewed by Faruk Eskioğlu: – 4/10/2015 Artı Eksi 7 Londra on Syrian refugees and European responses – Suriyeli göçmenler ve Avrupa’nin tepkileri üzerine” for Hayat TV,
  48. Sirkeci, I. (2015, 29 September): Interviewed by Voice of America (by Sukru Bolat) on London is the world finance center – Dünyanın Finans Merkezi Londra,
  49. Sirkeci, I. (2015, 29 September): Interviewed by Size Haber (by Sukru Bolat) on London is the world finance center – Dünyanın Finans Merkezi Londra,
  50. Sirkeci, I. (2015, 11 September). Cumhurbaşkanı ‘Kraliçe’ olmak istemez. Olay Gazetesi,  
  51. Sirkeci, I. (2015, 26 August). Interviewed by Selma Bardakçı: “Bu göçün artıları olabilir” for Al Jazeera Turkish,
  52. Sirkeci, I. (2015, 29 July). Interviewed by Faruk Eskioğlu: – 29/07/2015 Artı Eksi 7 Londra on migration, conflict, integration and Turks in London – Göç, çatışma, uyum ve Londra’daki Türkler üzerine” for Hayat TV,
  53. Sirkeci, I. (2015, 26 June). Interviewed by Faruk Eskioğlu: – 26/06/2015 Olay Gazetesi: “Türkçe konuşan nüfus 250 bin denilebilir”,
  54. Sirkeci, I. (2015, 21 June). Interviewed by Selami İnce: “3. Dünya Savaşı başladı bile…” for BirGün (daily nationwide newspaper in Turkey),
  55. Sirkeci, I. (2015, 2 April). Quoted on Prime Time News Gundem at Edirne TV – on Transnational Marketing and Transnational Consumers – Ulusötesi pazarlama ve ulusötesi tüketiciler üzerine,
  56. Sirkeci, I. 2014, 24 Feb.: OpEd. “Romanians and Bulgarians are in the EU: Are next to come the Turks?”, Migration Pulse, Migrants’ Rights Network,
  57. Sirkeci, I. 2013, 14 November: Interviewed by Voice of America (by Henry Ridgwell) on Syrian Kurds Defeat Islamists, Declare Autonomy,
  58. Sirkeci, I. 2013, 31 July: OpEd. “Not migrants and immigration, but mobility and movement”, Cities of Migration, Thought Leadership, (with J. Cohen).
  59. Sirkeci, I. 2013, 17 July: OpEd. “Not migrants and immigration, but mobility and movement”, Migration Pulse, Migrants’ Rights Network, (with J. Cohen).
  60. Sirkeci, I. 2013, 21 June: Interviewed for 9 pm news by Channel 9 UK (by Md Abdul Hannan) on my book Transnational Marketing and Transnational Consumers,
  61. Sirkeci, I. 2013, 2 June: OpEd. “There Is Real Anger at Erdogan’s Authoritarianism, But a Turkish Spring Is Unlikely”. Huffington Post,
  62. Sirkeci, I. 2013, 3 June: Interviewed by BBC Turkish TV (Emre Azizlerli) on Stock Exchange and Crisis in Turkey,
  63. Sirkeci, I. 2013, 3 June: OpEd. “Gezi eylemleri: Sokak ekonomiyi nasıl etkileyecek?” BBC Turkish website.
  64. Sirkeci, I. 2013, 22 May: OpEd. “Turkish-Kurdish Peace: It Is Different This Time”. Huffington Post,
  65. Sirkeci, I. 2013, 11 April: Interviewed by Ipek Erdem on Migration in Europe, Islam and Multiculturalism for Turkiyenin Sesi Radyosu (TRT TSR), a Turkish national radio broadcast,
  66. Sirkeci, I. 2013, 11 April: Interviewed by Fuat Ugur on Turkish migration in Europe for ATV Avrupa, a leading Turkish national TV channel.
  67. Sirkeci, I. 2013, 7 April: Interviewed by Selami Ince on Economics of Kurdish question and peace process in Turkey for Birgun, A Turkish daily newspaper,
  68. Sirkeci, I. 2013, 28 March: Interviewed by Phil Rees on Turkey’s Kurdish peace process for The World Today, prime time news show on Islam Channel, a British community TV,
  69. Sirkeci, I. 2013, 14 March: OpEd. “Turkish Migration, the EU and the UK”, Migration Pulse, Migrants’ Rights Network,
  70. Sirkeci, I. 2013, 1 Feb: OpEd. “EU leaders should not fear a ‘Turkish invasion of Europe’”. New Statesman,
  71. Sirkeci, I. 2013, 8 Jan: Interviewed by Cüneyt Özdemir on Northern Ireland conflict for 5N1K, prime time live news show on CNN Turk, a leading Turkish national TV.
  72. Sirkeci, I. 2012, 15 Nov: Interviewed by J. Paul Barker and Elcin Turan on “Hunger strikers draw support from academicians” for SES Türkiye.
  73. Sirkeci, I. 2012, 8 Nov: Interviewed by Özlem Galip on “Hunger strikes in Turkey” for Ozgur Politika, a daily newspaper in Turkey.
  74. Sirkeci, I. (2012, 7 Nov.). Migration and Remittances during the Global Economic Crisis and Beyond: Reflections on a new book. World Bank, PeopleMove Blog by Dilip Ratha,
  75. Sirkeci, I. (2012, 30 Oct.). Interviewed by Wladimir van Wilgenburg on “Kurdish Studies Network Fills Void for Kurdish Experts” for Rudaw Net, a news portal.
  76. Sirkeci, I. (2012, 1 Oct.). Interviewed by Hülya Okur on “AKP Congress” for HaberX, a popular Turkish news portal.
  77. Sirkeci, I. (2012, 7 July). Interviewed by Andrej Brstovšek for Dnevnik, a leading daily newspaper in Slovenia.
  78. Sirkeci, I. 2012, May: Interviewed by Palash Ghosh on Kurdish population and government policies in Turkey, International Business Times,
  79. Sirkeci, I. 2012, 12 May: Conference speech on global migration was quoted by HaberX, a popular Turkish news portal.,n,10973450,134).aspx
  80. Sirkeci, I. 2011, 3 Dec: Interviewed on Public Sector Strikes in the UK by Zaman Britanya, Turkish daily newspaper published in the UK,
  81. Sirkeci, I. 2011, 18 May: Interviewed live by Ronnie Barbour on illegal music downloading research, live broadcast, the Other One Show, BBC Three Counties Radio, UK,
  82. Sirkeci, I. 2010, 1 June: Interviewed by Hülya Okur on “Partial Media” for HaberX, a popular Turkish news portal.
  83. Sirkeci, I. 2010, 19 May: Interviewed by Hülya Okur on “Kemal Kilicdaroglu’s presidency for Republican People’s Party” for HaberX, a popular Turkish news portal.
  84. Sirkeci, I. 2009, 9 December: Interviewed by Hülya Okur on “Ban of pro-Kurdish party and democracy in Turkey” for HaberX, a popular Turkish news portal.
  85. Sirkeci, I. 2009, 3 April: Interviewed by Hülya Okur on “Turkish general elections” for HaberX, a popular Turkish news portal.
  86. Sirkeci, I. 2006, 24 July: Invited talk on “Migration and Conflict: Turkish migrants abroad” for Mr. Selami Ince’s news program on SU TV, an international Turkish TV channel based in Cologne, Germany. 45 minutes talk has been first broadcasted on 25 July 2006 and repeats frequently since then.
  87. Sirkeci, I. 2006, 21 July: Invited guest in Summary News [Haber Ozetleri] daily series presented by Mr. Selami Ince, News Editor of SU TV, an international Turkish TV channel based in Cologne, Germany. 45 minutes live broadcast at 12:00 local time.
  88. Sirkeci, I. 2006, 9 February: Interview given on “Turkish international migration, origins, destinations, and Alevis” for a panel discussion on SU TV, an international Turkish TV channel based in Cologne, Germany. 15 minutes live broadcast at 13:30 local time.
  89. Sirkeci, I. 2005, 16 December: Interviewed on “international migration from Iraq and Turkmen” for news bulletin of Turkmeneli TV, an Iraqi ethnic television based in Kirkuk, Iraq.
  90. Sirkeci, I. 2005, 18 December: Interviewed by Hüseyin Altinalan on “Problems of immigrants in Europe, UK politics and foreign policy of London and Washington” for Milli Gazete, a daily national newspaper in Turkey.
  91. Sirkeci, I. 2004, March: interview on “Turkish Government’s New Tourism Policy announced in January 2004” presented by Semra Topcu on Ey TV, a national Turkish TV channel based in Antalya, Turkey. 60 minutes interview was broadcasted frequently during the rest of the year.
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