I have worked with Ibrahim for a number of years in his capacity as External Examiner at Dimensions , Singapore on behalf of Hertfordshire Business School. Ibrahim is a true professional. He is very knowledgable and a recognised leader in his field. In addition to this, I know Ibrahim to have excellent people skills. He has assisted others in developing their careers , displaying consumate mentoring and supervising skills .
Lesley Glass. Associate Dean ( VLs) Hertfordshire Business School.

Ibrahim is an exceptional scholar who applies his demographic background to a range of significant social and business issues. He produces high quality research, which can be accessed by academic and non academic audiences. He is also a great academic leader who has mentored a number of doctoral students and early career academics. Ibrahim has an excellent international network and is a great teacher, researcher and colleague.

I worked with Ibrahim over a number of years at Regent’s University London. Ibrahim has an impressive track record of scholarship and research in his area of transnational marketing, and he is highly engaged with the development of raising academics in his field. He has been one of the key research leaders at Regent’s University London and his contribution has been of vital importance in the development of the institution over the years.
Dr Mikko Arevuo, Strategic Management Group at Cranfield School of Management, UK

I count myself lucky to have met Ibrahim early in my career, few people have the opportunity to report to a manager who is both a mentor and a coach. After graduating, I worked as Ibrahim’s Research Assistant at Regents University and he not only showed me the ropes but challenged me to reach excellence in my role. As a highly accomplished academic, he helped me further my skillset in the pedagogy of teaching, journal publication and research. Ibrahim was incredibly enthusiastic about demography, willing to share knowledge and expertise with others and was a great sounding board. As I continue to build my career. he has remained a a trusted advisor and mentor. I can’t recommend Ibrahim enough as an established academic and leader.
Therese Svensson, E-Learning &Training Lead at The Pensions Regulator

Ibrahim is one of the most productive and resourceful migration scholars around. He goes out of his way to help colleagues and accommodates everyone and nurtures talent. He simply makes things easy and simple. It has always been a great pleasure working with Ibrahim.
Neli Esipova Regional Research Director Gallup World Poll

Professor Sirkeci currently is my Line Manager, although we have known each other for a good 15 years as colleagues, scholars and peers. Ibrahim is an accomplished demographer and quantitative researcher, who also has launched a number of journals through his publishing house. He is the most cited author at Regent’s University London and has supervised a decent number of doctoral students to completion. I like working with Ibrahim because he’s efficient, pragmatic, knows his stuff, and how to make things happen. Even better, he’s a good soul with a dry sense of humour. A trusted colleague and friend – let him take you out for Turkish food and talk football!
Prof. Jonathan A.J. Wilson PhD DLitt, LinkedIn Top Voice Branding Professor & Consultant

I had the pleasure to work with Ibrahim as a visiting researcher at Regents University. Throughout the research for my dissertation, Ibrahim has been a dedicated mentor and helpful supporter in my progress. His expertise in the field of Transnational Marketing is quite specialized and it was helpful to get his insight in progressing my work. His guidance through academia and teaching skills helped me to improve my academic writing skills and publication opportunities. Besides his professional support, I would also like to mention that Ibrahim always has an open ear for his students and makes them feel welcome in his department and as visiting scholars in a new city. It was a pleasure working with him and maybe we will work together again in the future.
Katharina Buttenberg, Ph.D., Senior Vice President Global Brand at HelloFresh, Germany

I worked with Ibrahim closely when he took up a leadership position as Head of Marketing Cluster at Regent’s University London. Although Ibrahim continues to be highly active and successful as a researcher, he took the role very seriously. I found him to be passionate about developing others, and sensitive to and (an advocate for) others’ needs. He was very generous with his time, mentoring a large range of colleagues – his own direct reports, but also PhD students and research assistants. He was also willing to be honest, which I found particularly helpful as a manager. In short, a totally credible colleague who was an amazing addition to our Faculty.
Naomi Warren, Department Manager at The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)

In a world where almost everyone claims to be a thought leader, Ibrahim is one of only a handful of people who really count as true thought leaders in their field. His contribution in migration studies is cogent and effective and always interesting. I should also underline his willingness to help, his positive character and his humanity. I am glad to have worked with him.
Monica Ibañez, Professor of Sociology en Universidad de Burgos, Spain

Ibrahim is a leader in his field, assisting students, staff and professionals with expert guidance and support. I have benefitted from numerous thought provoking conversations with him, and have worked with him on several activities which have produced top results. Many claim to understand what is going on in the world, but few comprehend matters as clearly.
Joseph Giacomin, Professor of Human Centred Design at Brunel University, London, UK

Dr Ibrahim Sirkeci has been a Visiting Fellow and PhD Director of Studies on the London School of Commerce PhD programme for the past 7 years. This programme is run in collaboration with Cardiff Metropolitan University and the PhD award is an award of the University. Dr Sirkeci has proved himself to be a competent and successful PhD supervisor. He has excellent relationships with his students and colleagues and a thorough knowledge of his area of academic expertise. These qualities have led to a high success rate among his students in achieving their PhD. In addition to PhD supervision he has served as a PhD examiner on a number of occasions. He is a valued member of the LSC/Cardiff Metropolitan PhD supervisory team.
Prof Don Harper Director, Research and Innovation Centre Chairman, Research Degrees and Development Committee London School of Commerce

I have known Ibrahim since 10 years through my MA and PhD studies at Regent’s University London. His brilliant teaching, tutoring and coaching has impacted my life in a very positive way. As a business consultant I have never considered myself as an academic scholar until I was fortunate to attend his Marketing classes and work with him on my Masters dissertation. He encouraged me to look beyond the requirements of coursework and explore problems from multiple perspectives. His inspiration led me to broaden the scope of my thesis and the work paid off as we co-authored a successful publication. Ibrahim did not only manage to keep my motivation up throughout the entire university journey but also inspired me and helped me to grow in my professional career. He is is a very established academic with strong ties into the business world, making every single class and conversation an enriching experience for business students. It was truly him who influenced my recent decision to continue my academic journey and start a PhD research. I very much value Ibrahim’s experience as a researcher, publisher and supervisor, his extensive network, endless flow of ideas, great enthusiam, open communication and yes, also his great humor. From my perspective, Ibrahim is Regent’s greatest asset and I give him my highest recommendation.
Oliver Jonas, Senior Manager Communication and Development at Qatar Foundation

I had the opportunity to work with Prof. Ibrahim Sirkeci as a visiting Ph.D. fellow for a year at Regent’s University London (2011-2012), whose mentoring and support through the whole dissertation process contributed to my personal and professional development. In addition to a number of scientific papers and research we have published together, we also organized the “Taste of City” conferences in the field of food and place marketing in Belgrade (2016), Athens (2017) and Antalya (2018). He also pushed me to improve my skills as a reviewer in academic publishing and gave me roles in the team of associate editors in the Transnational Marketing Journal and Border Crossing where Prof. Sirkeci is the chief editor. I still feel his continuous support as a friend and as a colleague, whom I can fully count on. His great interpersonal communication and social skills lead to developing networks, which turns into solid and continuous partnerships and collaboration not only for himself and his organizations but also his peers and the people around him, like me. He got me introduced to his peers, who are also experts in their fields and helped me to broaden my network. He has such a great sense of humor, which creates a warm and friendly atmosphere and makes the dull conversations interesting.
Dr Evinc Dogan, Assistant Professor at Akdeniz University, Antalya, Turkey

Not many people have the opportunity to be led by a manager who believes in team development and is also a mentor. I am one of the lucky ones. I am known to Ibrahim Sirkeci as a passionate marketer and researcher since 2009 and as my line manager since 2019. Ibrahim’s has excellent people skills, and these contribute significantly in his team development approach, he has made Subject Cluster Meetings a go-to place. He makes sure that he is more than available for his cluster team and genuinely takes interest and follow up later. As my mentor he has supported me to take initiatives and guided me along the way. He also offered various opportunities to polish some of the skills that I wanted to polish further. Oh, and he made sure that our team meetings are never without creative ideas, coffee and plenty of cakes. Talk about motivating a team!
Fatimah Khan, Lecturer in Marketing, Chartered Marketer, Fellow HEA, Consultant

It’s been roughly 4 years I have known Prof. Sirkeci and since the day I have known him he is just a call away and has always offered immense support and encouragement throughout. In very short span of time he taught me the power of faith and giving. He has taught me how one can be so humble and yet so popular. From the day I have known him, he always have shown unflinching faith on me and have always pushed me little more to bring out best in me in all ways he can. Through Migration conference and TPL he has given me lots of opportunities to learn and explore. He has unleashed and harnessed my potential which even I myself were not aware of. I can keep writing pages and pages as Dear Prof. Sirkeci as you have impacted so many lives in such a beautiful and positive ways 🙏😇. I owe lot to Prof. Sirkeci in my academic career.

I met Prof. Dr. Sirkeci in Prag in June 2015 at the Migration Conference, which is dedicated to the human mobility and its impacts around the world. As an excellent academic leader, Prof. Sirkeci organises this conference annually and enables the migration scholars to meet and debate on current issues on human mobility in a multidisciplinary environment. His profound knowledge of diverse areas of migration, meticulous approach to human mobility and his mentoring skills do not only impress me but also broaden my perspective during my PhD in law. Moreover, he brings numerous migration scholars together for different academic projects in friendly environments and supports their academic development. Herewith I want to thank Prof. Sirkeci for his academic mentoring.
Ülkü Sezgi Sözen, LL.M.Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin at University of Hamburg, Germany

Ibrahim is a good person developer helping others to progress in their career; and showing his mentoring and supervisory skills, which I believe are important. He is a recognised academic leader in his field and has contributed to it significantly. I have worked with Ibrahim and he is a talented academic, who is able to bring different perspectives to situations, which have contributed to solving strategic problems. Ibrahim is an able academic manager, who is staff-centric and also internal and external customer focus.
Dr Gordon Bowen, Non-Executive Director | Strategy • Marketing • Governance • Market Research • International • Growth • IPO • Education, London, UK

I met Ibrahim while working as a Senior Lecturer in Marketing at Regent’s University. Having just finished my DBA, I was just starting the process of trying to publish. I was quite frustrated as, being new in the academic world, I did not know the best way to proceed. Ibrahim consulted me on the next steps and offered to supervise my paper and co publish. Ibrahim is an experienced academic who can really motivate and empower people on how to develop themselves. He is an inspiration to all of us who have worked with him.

Professor Ibrahim Sirkeci has been a great mentor as well as a talented academician and a dedicated supervisor. He is a great academic leader helping others (such as me as a young academician) progressing in their early career. I knew Prof. Dr. Sirkeci for almost six years. Since then, he encouraged and helped me in publishing at least three papers in leading journals, presenting at and organising international conferences (such as The Migration Conference). Thanks to him, I have met several well-educated and talented academicians with whom I can collaborate. He is very approachable and goes the extra mile to help many young researchers like myself. His writing retreats have been extremely valuable in our careers. He always has a strategic vision and gives congruous advice about our career paths. His mentoring and leadership energy is endless and I would certainly wish Prof. Dr. Sirkeci (İbrahim Hocam as I call) all the best for his future.
Dr Deniz Yetkin Aker, Assistant Professor at Namık Kemal University, Tekirdag, Turkey

I have known Professor Ibrahim Sirkeci for about six years. He has been of tremendous help in my career, particularly in research. He invited me to join the Review Board of the Transnational Marketing Journal which he started. The experience has been very useful, as I have now reviewed papers for international journals and conferences. His advice and encouragement when I was a doctoral student have been very helpful in my own journey as a supervisor of doctoral students. I have had the privilege of having him examine the thesis of one of my doctoral students. As anticipated, the candidate greatly appreciated his comments and encouragement.
Dr Collins Osei, Lecturer at Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland

Dr. Sirkeci was my professor in marketing during my MA in International marketing, as well as supervising my MA dissertation. He has been an important mentor for me and helped me develop as a professional and academic. He gave me inspiration, guidance and motivation. I have in later years gotten to know Dr. Sirkeci better as we published and presented an article together. Ibrahim is an asset to any University; as a supervisor, colleague and a recognised academic in his field. I give him my warmest recommendation.
Lóa Bára Magnúsdóttir, International marketeer and strategist, Reykjavik, Iceland

I have been collaborating with Ibrahim for few years in his capacity as founder and chief editor of both Migration Letters and Transnational Press London, a cutting-edge academic journal and an independent, fast growing academic publisher. Ibrahim is both a very reliable person and brilliant scholar always ready to find new solutions and to help. Humanity is a significant feature of his character combined with an open mind. Ibrahim is indeed a passionate leader who significantly contributed to migration studies with his research and editorial endeavours. I am available in further supporting and do look forward to cooperate again with him
Dr Paolo Ruspini, Senior Researcher, University of Lugano, Switzerland

Prof Sirkeci has been a mentor to me, like he is to many others, over the years. He is very attentive to young academics’ needs and supports them greatly almost in a tailored fashion. One wonders how he manages to devote time to development of so many around the world. I have been working with him for over five years and these years have been my most productive period so far. I am grateful to him for his continuous support. Those who have him as mentor or supervisor are really lucky.
Dr Tuncay Bilecen, Associate Professor at Kocaeli University, Turkey and Freelance journalist

I admire Ibrahim ability to networking. As part of TMC scientific commitee, I’ve received his full support to develop my own career in Mexico. His backing has been crucial to develop my own network and research on youth migration. He has mentored me and teach me how to disseminate our work, overcome frustration, networking, teamwork, and collective research. Most importantly, he has shown me that with hard work, the stars are the limit
Dr Ana Vila Freyer, Profesora Investigadora en Universidad Latina de México

I had the pleasure of having Prof. Ibrahim as my supervisor while I spent one semester as a visiting research student at Regent’s Centre for Transnational Business & Management, in 2014-2015. Prof. Ibrahim’s warm, personal approach to his students dramatically eases the accomodation process within a new country or city. His continuous support for his students’ training and progress is highly professional and greatly respected, both by students and by his colleagues. Not only is he empathetic and open, but he is a helpful and dedicated mentor who influences one’s further personal and professional development. He offered me support and encouragement during my PhD research, bringing an invaluable input to my thesis. He demonstrated that he is a true professional whose vision, diligence and attention to details are extremely valuable for an individual’s academic research progress. Also, Prof. Ibrahim’s guidance and advices helped me improve my academic writing. His great contibution to the literature, together with his extensive knowledge and dedication, definitely make Prof. Ibrahim a leader in his field (I found his writing as being clear and concise – a rarity among many authors, but effortless for him). He is well-equipped with wonderful interpersonal skills, being caring, experienced and knowledgeable, and dedicated to his job. I consider myself lucky for having him as my mentor and I cannot be thankful enough for his contibution to my progress. No matter what Prof. Ibrahim does, he does it well. Any university or company should count themselves lucky to have an employee as bright, friendly, and dedicated as him.
Dr Denisa Adriana Dragoi, Enthusiast researcher, creative marketer and dedicated professional, Romania.

Prof Ibrahim Sirkeci is a wonderful and inspiring mentor, having known him for nearly 10 years, I sought advice from him when I studied MSc Marketing management and his advice led to decisions in my career. He helped me with my progress. He’s a very approachable person and support in the development of his students, he treated all his students respectfully and with an encouraging attitude. Even today when I need advice he’s always happy to help. Can’t recommend him highly enough.
Ozlem Avan Barros Sa, Partnership Manager at Rose of York Language School, UK

I know Professor Ibrahim Sirkeci for over 15 years. He has been very major help in my career. I can say that not only his advice, mentoring and support that I majorly benefit from but also his postural care and supervising skills that I learned from in my teaching and supervising and supporting my doctorate students.
Dr Omar Maktoba, Associate Professor in International Business, Coventry University, UK

Two years ago, I had the pleasure to have Ibrahim as a teacher in the International Marketing course during my exchange programme at Regent’s University London. His knowledge and passion for the subject, to which he contributes significantly with his research, reflect in the quality of his classes. During my time in London, not only has he been a good teacher, but also a mentor that assisted me in growing as a student and a future professional. Ibrahim is always available to discuss with students about opportunities to progress in their future careers and his positivity really makes a difference in his ability to motivate people.
Luigi Sacco, MSc International Management, Imperial College Business School, UK